
Yes she has existed longer than she became a feminist icon, my point is that she wouldn't have become that icon if it wasn't for her mythos. Much like Batman would be totally unrecognizable and would arguably be a different character if his parents didn't meet their untimely end in the way that they did the same goes

LOL You think Diana's mythos was a front for a softcore bondage comic and that was all there is to it? Oh you sweet summer child. There is a reason she has been a feminist icon for decades and it has everything to do with that mythos that you seem to feel can be easily brushed aside.

But that's my point, in order to make people like WW who wouldn't give her the time of day before Azzarello had to fundamentally change the character by gutting her origin so she is no longer what she was created to be. What you refer to as her 'weird little mythology' is fundamental to her character and what she was I'm glad that people are reading Wonder woman, but the Nu52 version of Diana is Wonder Woman in name only as far as I'm concerned and I'm not the only fan of the character that feels that way. The change in her origin story alone completely nullifies what she was meant to represent and what her purpose was

Here is a link explaining what Ten Earth Imps is talking about… they heard the outrage over the change but they're still sticking to their guns unfortunately. I'm hoping the petition continues to gain steam. I HATE the redesign and feel it goes against Merida's character and

I have to agree. I don't dislike Beyonce but some peoples placing of her as some kind of feminist icon is rather perplexing.

I really liked this article and I thought Lindy's take down of Temptation was truly fabu but I think yvanehtnloj is correct. Jez really should get a POC view on this (and in general), even if its just a guest article and the writer isn't regular/permanent Jez staff. I love Jezebel, I read it pretty much every day

LOL you win the Internets for using the word 'steez' that almost wiped out the rage I was feeling because of this article. Thank you for the small rage reprieve.

It will be heartbreaking for her to be separated from the people she knows as family but whether it will be traumatizing for her in the long run we don't know because neither of us can see into her future adult heart. Being able to group up surrounded by her culture and tribe will undoubtedly be a benefit however in

It is cruel and the adoptive family is not, from what I can see, at fault at all but unfortunately it may be necessary that the little girl be removed and places with either a Native American adoptive family or the father because of the alleged violation of the ICWA and the need to make sure that it is enforced to the

I'm sorry but I disagree. It's heart wrenching for the adoptive parents and for the child if it is decided that she should be with her father or adopted by Native American parents however this law was put into place to protect Native American people and their culture and Veronica is Native American so it could be

Yeah that's the other thing that really bothers me about this. It seems the father disputed the adoption almost immediately but it took two years for the case to be heard and that is ridiculous.

Unfortunately it seems that the ICWA was NOT followed properly this is why this poor child and her adoptive family could be torn apart. It is extremely sad but there IS a good reason.

Awesome on you for trying to be as informed as possible and do things the right way on your journey to adopt, I sincerely wish you the best of luck dude! :) You bring up some very valid point that I think some in the comments either do not realize or are allowing their initial emotional reactions to gloss over. There

I get what you're saying and I don't think that the father should necessarily get custody back. However The Cherokee Nation also has a vested interest and a legal stake in this case that cannot be ignored just because the father is a moron. As you said, the risk of Native American children losing their ethnic

Thank you LaComtesse for giving me my first laugh of the morning! I would actually not be shocked if that was exactly what happened either, too hilarious :)

LOL Hey man nobody's perfect, especially in the morning :) the spirit and intent of your words is what struck me especially the call for discussion on the failures of the justice system and how our current culture helps to exacerbate them. So, very good form dude :)

Thank you! I think a lot of the people ranting against Anon here really are doing so under a complete misunderstanding of how Anon actually works. Which would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad and caused so much derailing.

Eloquently and succinctly stated. I agree on all counts.

I posted this some where on the threads, but after some though I decided it would be a good idea to post it again. as far as I can tell this is the most recent release from anon about this Op and may help answer some questions people have about the methods their using and their reasons for doing so.