So the girl that dresses in extremely revealing clothing, acts flirty around the guys, and has waaaay too much to much to drink is asking for it, too?
(let the tap dancing begin)
So the girl that dresses in extremely revealing clothing, acts flirty around the guys, and has waaaay too much to much to drink is asking for it, too?
(let the tap dancing begin)
Angry Joe depends on ad ad revenue. Total biscuit depends on ad revenue. Yatzhee depends on ad revenue. Every fucking news outlet depends on ad revenue.
So what you are saying is the she deserves to be harassed because she is an entertainer. That normal lady in the skimpy clothes? How dare you cat-call her!
Minaj, on the other hand? It's her fault!
I can't be the only one who sees the hypocrisy here.
Guess what? Women are 51% of the population and we know that this is about representation of women in games, which you believe should adhere to only your tastes. Every time that you harass an advertiser for supporting the targets of your harassment and that advertiser leaves, they will harm their business. By pulling…
Look man, I'm not a misogynist or anti-feminist or anything, I just don't think women's rights should be a part of public discourse, ya'know? Tryin' to take away my GTA5555. Just let me play muh' video games, maaan!
Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Leigh Alexander wasn't talking about you. Hell, she wasn't talking about me (the cis-gendered heteroish white male in our current back and forth).
She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket…
Well it doesn't really help much that in addition to most of the hate/threats being aimed at female critics and their supporters (even the Phil Fish thing happened because he defended Zoe Quinn,) almost all of the supposed "journalism ethics" talk that comes out is focused around supposed liberal/ social issue bias…
I agree. But if these people who send the threats (whoever they are!!!) keep addressing women primarily under such and such name what do you expect?
In nay case, they are terrible at presenting their own personal image
More hash, fewer tags.
That's like saying Jim Crow could've been awesome if it wasn't about what it was about. CheezWiz would be great for us if it was lettuce!
well when you'd Have been in your own skin all your life and have had titties most of your life they arnt a big deal to you. You are used to your own body. Ppl looking at yoy cheesy is annoying bruises it's like "Damn yes I have big tits, lots of women have big tits, big tits are not news, you didn't just discover…
I like how your campaign for "journalistic ethics" has taken to targeting advertisers, given that advertiser influence over editorial decisions is the polar opposite of "journalistic ethics".
I really don't understand the end-game here. You silence every media outlet that doesn't agree with you? You make it so that…
The problem was that it was always an argument over women in games. The journalistic ethics label was only thrown on afterwards as an attempt to re-brand the movement after the (super apparent) misogyny started to get out of control.
You think that the threat posed to gaming and gamers by Zoe, Anita, and the Cabal of the Gaming Blog Elite is some kind of joke, scrub? We're in a war, man! Okay, it's a war entirely of my paranoid self-delusion...but it's a war nonetheless.
Except that the "movement" started as an organized harassment campaign against a female developer after her ex accused her of cheating in a character assassination piece. What good could have ever come out of that?
Some of these comments, cripes. I had to check the top of the page to make sure this wasn't Gawker.
Epic trolling by Nicki Minaj. Then again, if a magazine sent someone named "Taffy" to interview me, I'd alternate between napping and trolling, too.
Yes, Nicki Minaj draws a lot of attention to her ass, but I also imagine talking about her ass constantly gets boring quick. Some of the lyrics in the song "Anaconda" are funny and I think if you're discussing the song you can also discuss what's being said. "Pussy put his ass to sleep / now he calling me Nyquil"…
Meh... when the song actually includes the words "I got a big, fat ass," what more, exactly, is he really looking to learn by asking her to elaborate? As she says, looking to have some kind of intellectual discussion about this video or song is ridiculous- at least when it's a men's magazine looking to just get some…
are you talking about iggy azalea? niki is at least somewhat talented.