ray of sunshine
ray of sunshine
I hate that they question her femininity every damn time.
I will take it a step further and please forgive me if someone has already said this. Women of color do not matter. We are never good enough. No matter how smart we are, even if we obtain 10 college degrees, have physiques that are out of this world or simply exist because we are considered to be nothing more than…
Ditto the Richard Sherman "thug" debacle.
That still makes me mad. If she keeps winning, then apparently she's at the right weight, for her.
thank you. it's like taking crazy pills! I swear, sometimes the progressive white ladies on this site like to blow a lot of smoke up their own derrières with just how much morally superior they are to the dimwits nations ( they have only superfluous knowledge on). Meanwhile, totally ignoring the history of racism and…
I will never forget volunteering at the US Open when I was about 12 years old and being allowed in the stands to watch the Williams sisters play a match. They were new to the scene and SO awesome. All of a sudden my friend and I realized what the old lady behind us has been muttering: "monkeys, so disrespectful, look…
so strange that so many people in the comments are attributing this offensive statement to some sort of essential russian-ness considering that the u.s. (and the entire british empire and its vestiges) have done this to women of african descent for centuries (edited to add: by "this," i mean turning black women into…
I mean, these women are at the TOP of their game. They have athletic bodies because they are championship athletes. What fucking kills me is Serena in particular has ass and boobs for days and her body is nothing like a man's. If we were talking about male-type bodies, how about picking on someone like Jessica…
The comparing them to men could be filed under racism as well.
Don't forget figure skating.
Oh look, another "black women look like men" comment. This is what we're talking about when we say that black women don't experience femininity the same way. Our bodies get coded male by default (which is actually super transmisogynisitc when you think about it, see: Joan Rivers' comment on MObama) and it's used as an…
Let's see, filling out my "Shit that the Williams Sisters Have to Deal With" Bingo card.
Generally when Black women start dominating a "traditionally white sports" that's when they start talking about the lack of elegance, the lack of artistry, and how now it's all about strength and blablah.
And the attacks are never that she is not actually doing well. It's always something else, typically appearance or (purportedly) demeanor-based. Same thing with Tiger Woods. They really went in on him when he first started killing it and it was always about his attitude or demeanor—lets ignore the fact that he is…
Basically. :(
And unfortunately I'm used to trans-phobic racist "jokes" when it comes to Venus and Serena. French Journalist have been doing them for more than a decade.
Huh. Doesn't matter if its ballet, gymnastics or tennis, people legitimately get salty when a black woman dominates in "traditionally white sports".
Identity politics (i.e. racism). It's the main reason why more diverse nations have notably fewer social programs. People can't stand the idea of their tax dollars going toward helping someone who isn't "one of them".
It's a combination of the centuries-old tradition of imposing a socially-constructed idea of hypersexualization onto Black women (often to justify rape at the hands of white men) and that Serena's body both draws more attention than most tennis players by virtue of how it combines curvaciousness with strength…