Trixie from Toronto

This guy is making Bill O'Reilly look like a sage liberal. Even Fox News should fire him.

@hortense: I wish it was Joan Rivers. Or Palin, just because she'd be so bad it would be good.

My money's on Meghan McCain.

I will agree on the Stage Five Clinger thing, however. I had to ruthlessly dump a guy in his 40s last summer who was the most embarrassing Stage Five Clinger I'd ever encountered. Gross.

Someone needs to point out to Gerard Butler that Jessica Simpson is free. She's dumb, but sweet.

Holy shit. That is all I can muster.

I vote for Jeannie Bueller if only because their relationship and their personalities are so close to my own teenaged daughter and her younger, Ferris-y brother. The scene in the police station with Charlie Sheen was also brilliant.

@BowlingForDollars: But uh-oh. Not in synch!

I love that they spend as much time there as they do. Other presidents jetted off to the family estate.

I don't want to love Bill Maher, I really don't ... but I love Bill Maher.

Look at Larry Mullen Jr. back there. Still looking hot.

Target was selling Carlton T-shirts recently and I am really pissed I didn't buy one. That Carlton dance episode was amazing.

I am turning 45 and there are just certain things I will not do/wear anymore even though I am in pretty good shape.

I saw the trailer for this last week, and is she supposed to be 15 years older than him? Is that part of the plot? I am curious, not snarking. I wondered if part of the story was a Demi-Ashton kind of thing.

I actually forget how great that show was from a parenting perspective, because of course I was watching it before I was a parent. I need to go back and see how Dr. Huxtable handled it when he found a dime-bag of weed in Theo's pants pocket, for example. Just wondering.

@haguenite: Except for the praying, this totally appeals to me. Human contact is over-rated!

@BritneyCanadaWhore: Except that some of the most obnoxious dickheads I know come from Calgary. So there's that.

This is awesome! It should be required reading in any film studies course.

This is brilliant, man.