
I read a review awhile back on the Amazon Basics batteries and turns out they might be re-branded Sanyo Eneloops (I think panasonic absorbed Sanyo so same thing)

I read a review awhile back on the Amazon Basics batteries and turns out they might be re-branded Sanyo Eneloops (I

The Amazon knockoff that are pretty much the same thing are still a couple of bucks cheaper.

The Amazon knockoff that are pretty much the same thing are still a couple of bucks cheaper.

I was mad enough one day I took the sawzall to my garbage can. Cut three inches out of the middle of it and glued the top back on. Looks horrible, but it felt good.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

The first one they made, the one I have, the Anova One while it still has a touch screen and a higher voltage heater is just as you describe.

No wi-fi, no bluetooth, none of that shit. I completely agree all that shit is UNNEEDED.

The first one they made, the one I have, the Anova One while it still has a touch screen and a higher voltage heater

Another vote for steel — better than stone. Pre-Heat oven, the hit it with the broiler for 5 minutes - raging hot, set the oven back to bake, best pizza crust you can get at home w/o a real pizza oven (preferably wood fired).

Another vote for steel — better than stone. Pre-Heat oven, the hit it with the broiler for 5 minutes - raging hot,

I think they mean it as or, not as an and (though you can use the techniques together).

I don’t care if it is impersonal, cash is the ultimate gift to me. There are things in my life that I classify as, “wants” and I can get them when money allows. But for things that are “needs” like home improvement projects (if you’re hiring a contractor), bills, etc. no gift card can cover that.

Cash is only a thoughtless gift if the person receiving it has enough to not need it. For the rest of us, cash is always great.

I started D&D on the first edition when I was twelve. I happen to be female. It was our habit to draw a representation of our characters and use them as screens so that other players couldn’t see your notes / character sheets. Myself and the other female player always drew our characters (not well) in the usual half

To my knowledge (I don’t play but I watch my fiance play sometimes) it is because it ONLY shows Pokemon near Pokestops now. So if you are far away from the Pokestop the Nearby function is now entirely useless.

PS4/Vita only.

Same experience with a pillow top. Never again.

I was going to post this exact issue. Rotating just isn’t the same as flipping. We wish we still had our non pillow top. It’s not worth it.

Agreed. The best we seem to get are the Unearthed Arcanas, which have at least *some* interesting stuff in them.

You’re confusing embarrassment with guilt. We feel guilt over everything. Embarrassment means you have to acknowledge something to anyone other than yourself, whereas guilt is something you can steep in silently. Just how they like it.

That’s just comparing one map to all of no man’s sky, it should be comparing all the possible map seeds to no man’s sky.

Here it is two years later and I thought to myself “let me go back to that article I wrote because I’m making broth this weekend,” and I saw this comment. And it made me happy all over again, not just because it’s amazing, but because of Bowie. Thanks, seriously. Made my day and I really needed it.

Oh, I plan on getting reeaal personal!