
First off, the i9 is a terrible gaming processor. The reason why AMD is currently king of the hill is because their processors are focusing on single core performance. Back when Intel held the crown, AMD was raving about more cores.

I’m still waiting to hear how this isn’t just a scaled up souls game with a focus on ranged combat, using robot shaped avatars instead of human (or monster) shaped ones.

It’s unusual that you would compare this AMD CPU in a particular context to a top tier Intel CPU, considering it isn’t the “best” CPU in this generation in this specific context.

I’m disappointed. I was looking forward to a thought experiment, not an actual physical thing that exists that is described via analogy.

I was referring to the previous poster who was trying to offer excuse that some places which have a tip amount are simply lazy or ignorant and left it in default configuration.

That prepackaged POS system has a simple check box that you can enable or disable the tip and alter the suggested tip amounts.

My predictions: It’s gonna be based on the leaked Facebook training data. Instead of filters to avoid things like N words, it will attempt (but fail) at forcing the AI to respond in anti-woke ways.

I don’t doubt what you are saying is true, but you cannot make such claims without citing a source.

The lower results is the product of the value being a primarily marketing driven metric. The company selects superior examples for sampling to claim higher quality.

In a controlled greenhouse environment, the variations should not be THAT great. And, the variance is also a measurable characteristic.

The problem isn’t their ability to determine the potency. The problem is that the potency is a key factor in their advertisement strategy for varieties.

I really wish they would just sell us a 75 inch monitor with a couple of HDMI ports.

I use them for cryptography.

I don’t think this is a reading comprehension problem. You assert that you must do something, I provide evidence to the contrary.

I had a lengthy struggle with the Fujitsu Scansnap. I don’t know if it was a bad unit, or a quirky system.

“State-affiliated media is defined as outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution.”

We didn’t put the brakes on anything...

Bill Gates is a smart guy. The folks begging for a pause are just asking for the guys in the lead to slow down just so they can catch up.

HP Smart is not required to scan to PC.

I think you are forgetting that this discretionary style of benefit is specifically designed to reinforce systems of oppression.