
It would be real nice if the Yuga Labs maintains the copyright. It would remove the burden of pursuing copyright infringement by the “owner” of the NFT.

If you are using Isopropyl for bed bugs, you need to use 90% or better to kill em.

I’m a bit concerned about charging. Looking at the render, it looks like each side of the controller has a Type-C connector.

In the twitter comments, a user suggests that these are Helium Mining units. Helium is a cryptocurrency which uses “Proof-Of-Coverage” as the mining method...

Perhaps we should ask ChatGPT to write our resumes...

If your New Years plans include traveling more, could I persuade you to reconsider Air travel?

That is absolutely not the question he should ask. Everyone who doesn’t already own an NFT has no reason to own one.

No, in a few weeks from now we’ll get a “17 different ways to use dryer sheets” slide show where #4 will be to stuff them in your furnace.

Except it is waste. Waste is every drop of ink that doesn’t reach the paper. Yes, it has a purpose, but it is waste. It is discarded afterwards. Waste isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Waste happens all the time. But, in most industries they try to minimize waste; they try to find uses for waste. In this example, they go

Retailers do have some tricks to avoid price matching. Companies will release multiple SKUs of the same device. Each retailer will get a different SKU.

I think some of these claims were made with the tongue firmly planted in the cheek.

I don’t know what this movie is about. I haven’t avoided information on it. I just haven’t heard anything about it until I heard it was a flop, and that’s all I know about it.

For sure there are differences between dog clippers and paper shredders, but the commonality is that we are talking about using vegetable oil and vegetable oil will plasticize if left in the open. I made no claims about it going rancid. I have no concern about the oil rotting in the machine. I am concerned with the

I wanna know how they actually value the NFT. Are there actually people out there who have offered $69k for it, and he’s not interested in selling at that price. Or, is nobody interested in buying it, but he’s hoping that he might still make $69k if he tried selling it.

My Samsung earbuds have an ambient mode, which has a volume control. You can use it for amplification.

You also need to consider the trillions of gut fauna that were snapped out of existence and everyone who died of pooping shortly thereafter.

I’m gonna disagree here. You should delete your Twitter account. Elon needs to see the statistics on how many people are deleting twitter because of him.

I don’t think they got robbed of anything.

Better toss #8 up there

I’m gonna have to disagree with the premise of this article.