
When trying to decide if a food is “Healthy”, I will often employ the “Lucky Charms test”. If a food has more sugar than a bowl of lucky charms, it’s prolly not food I should be eating.

Clover is great if you live in mild weather. It gets hot in the summer where I am and the clover pretty much dies once it gets hot.

Hitting the unsubscribe button on spam emails that come from “legitimate” mass mailing sites is a useful thing to do. Often times, they will survey you after unsubscribing and you can respond with “I never signed up for this” as an option. A sufficient volume of that kind of response can cause a mass mailing service

If you got a diaper fetish...

The cards have value beyond their monetary value, but their inherent value is far less than their monetary value. The folks who would pay the “value” of the card have no interest in the utility of the card.

At what point does it make sense to replace a perfectly functional, yet antiquated dishwasher?

I just cook them skins on, then run em through the food mill.

All games should be made with a watermarked “REVIEW COPY, NOT FOR RESALE” version that gets distributed to all the review curators.

Your TIL example isn’t very good. Generally, the statement following a TIL should be capable of being a standalone statement. You should be able to make sense of the statement if you exclude the TIL. In your circumstance, it would be “lots of reddit jargon thanks to lifehacker”, which doesn’t make sense. A better

My biggest fear is they’re gonna aggressively monetize this with a mountain of virtual tile packs and loot boxes filled with minis.

That’s great for you. Do your fellow workers a solid and don’t feed them nonsense that the path to advancement is by giving away free labor.

It doesn’t really matter how you are overachieving.

The trick is figuring out when outperforming your peers will result in fair compensation and when outperforming your peers is unappreciated and overlooked.

That’s no good. You should be promoted because you are doing a good job at your job, not because you are working harder than your job requires. If they want you to work more, they pay you more, then you work harder. You don’t work harder and hope they notice and out of the goodness of their hearts decide to pay you

“Quiet Quitting” is a term created by employers trying to stigmatize doing the work that you’re being paid to perform and not going above and beyond your assigned duties without compensation.

Here I am sitting in the comments wondering what response, if any, Blizz has made regarding this and all the article has is speculation on how some beta testers may lose their chance to participate in the next beta...

Perhaps you could hire someone to transcribe your videos?

/s is perfectly valid way to denote sarcasm, if you are posting in a public forum and you are concerned that people may not interpret what you are saying.

We’ve got a couple of switches in our house and swapping pro controllers between consoles has become a chore.

Stale marshmallows roast better than fresh ones.