Call me old fashioned, but I’m not sure you can trust everything you read on the internet. Especially when most of it reads like bad fanfiction.
Call me old fashioned, but I’m not sure you can trust everything you read on the internet. Especially when most of it reads like bad fanfiction.
I fail at self control sometimes. But, I’m not gonna punish myself by making sad cake because I might. I’m gonna keep working at that self control. Because, ultimately, that is what is necessary to be happy and healthy.
I do not think that existing within a class or group of people authorizes you to speak on behalf of the whole group...
I’m not sure if you should be making blanket statements regarding something so personal... I get you are trying to help, but you might be doing more harm than good by telling people what NOT to say.
If it is my desire to have more “healthy” desserts, then before I compromise on the quality of the dessert, I compromise on the size of the portion.
I have no issues with Bob Ross wanting to get paid to do Bob Ross... I have no issue with his family profiting off of his legacy. It sucks that his last will isn’t executed as he wished.
Uh, I feel like there is a bit of revisionism here... Bob Ross was a pretty serious businessman in his lifetime and spent considerable effort creating and promoting a brand.
Elite Dangerous isn’t doing much better than Star Citizen...
If you have a Toaster Oven shaped “Air Fryer”, it may have a more standard “Convection” setting, which is suitable for convection baking. Lower the temp by 25f and start monitoring it after 1/2 the bake time has elapsed to determine when it’s done. It’s not gonna take half the time, but because there is no hard and…
I strongly reject the idea that certain recipes/dishes are mandatory.
Milk duds freeze nicely. But, you gotta eat em when super cold. There’s a stage where they shatter with slight pressure, and if left to warm up become too hard to chrew and you’re left sucking them until they warm up completely.
My standard greeting for all unrecognized numbers is: “How can I help you”
I would argue that “open world” games that push a player down a linear path through the “open world” are not actually “open world” games. They are linear games with the illusion of an open world.
Give the baking soda a try while soaking split peas. You’ll get an even texture and a bright color out of your pea soup.
The absolute worst is when I’m wandering around the web and I stumble upon some reddit or forum post that should have exactly the information I am searching for and all it contains is someone telling the poster to join the discord server, or send them a DM.
Oh, I did. But you got stuck on an unimportant bit. Internet arguments are fun, so nothing lost.
Yes, this whole thing has been a statement of the obvious. Congratulations for recognizing that finally.
The genre isn’t defined because a new term is unnecessary.
What is the purpose of defining the genre if not to understand what sort of game it is?
You add an additional qualifier. “Overall”.