Although true that it is legal in most states to charge extra for using a credit card, many card providers forbid the practice and the business may be operating outside of the terms of their agreement with their credit card processor by doing so.
Although true that it is legal in most states to charge extra for using a credit card, many card providers forbid the practice and the business may be operating outside of the terms of their agreement with their credit card processor by doing so.
The case is designed to be a poor heat conductor. Drawing heat off of it is inefficient. More effective cooling could be realized by drawing additional air through the existing cooling ducts, which pass the extremely conductive heat sink.
It’s a shame that Dyson products aren’t very practical...
It’s a shame that Dyson products aren’t very practical...
Yah, if you can splurge on bullshit with your stimulus check, then you prolly have enough money to splurge on bullshit even if you don’t get it.
Yah, if you can splurge on bullshit with your stimulus check, then you prolly have enough money to splurge on…
A couple of weeks ago, I thought we were on our last packet of yeast, so we started doing exactly this. We use 8oz flour and water (almost twice as much flour as your recipe). When it comes time to make bread, we dump the contents of the container out into our mixing bowl, clean the container, then put 4oz of starter…
You can make as many profiles as you need to have multiple Pokemon saves. There is no workaround for this one.
I can’t tell if there aren’t any switches in the store because it’s a global pandemic, or if people realized that Animal Crossing player 2 is BS.
How cool would it be if we had professional race car drivers doing actual competitive racing in super-accurate simulators. This would open a whole new category of e-sport involving vehicle simulation.
Uh, so you can carry 12 ounces of liquid as long as you store it in a hand sanitizer container?
I feel like they could have gone a bit further back with the clear part...
so... is this kinda skid physically possible? If so, any actual footage. Or, absent that, is there any Live Action versions of the skid performed using practical effects?
As a general rule, if a game doesn’t want me to play it, I don’t play it, at all.
Have you tried using double acting baking powder? I suspect that it would have similar effect to using cream of tartar, and provide additional leavening.
Almost every desk in my office has a bottle of sanitizer, it’s a habit for me to take a pump whenever I sit down at someone else’s desk. (IT, so I sit down at a lot of desks)
Your first point is a pretty risky proposition, as there are very sound reasons why an auto response is limited to once per recipient per day. Once you are finished mitigating all of the potential issues, you will have re-invented the standard out of office auto responder.
Yes, I read the article.
I’m gonna lean on the side of caution. If you don’t know what you are doing, then you could open yourself up to a whole lotta technical risk. For the sake this line of discussion, let’s completely ignore the Acceptable Use discussion.
A much better option would be to make your own sprouts. It doesn’t require a whole lotta effort.
Gift cards are the worst. Bank transfers are cheap. If you don’t have a bank account, perhaps visit your local credit union? There is no reason for a third party to get between you and the money the government owes you. They will EFT it directly into your account if you ask.