
Take a slice of white bread, spread peanut butter on it. Microwave a hot dog. Place it on the slice of bread, curl it up, and mow it down. Remember a glass of milk, lest you choke to death.

At what cost though? Think about this like an economist. You aren’t getting paid to run, so that is one less hour in a day that you are busy working, getting paid. When you’re old and retired, you will have 1 hour less worth of savings, and 7 more hours of living! Every 4 years, you are increasing your life by over a

When I picked up my kit, I never realized how much I’d use my impact driver. If you are putting in fasteners, the impact is the right tool for the job, every time. Also, dewalt’s impact ready hole saws are much faster than the standard ones and no much price difference.

When I picked up my kit, I never realized how much I’d use my impact driver. If you are putting in fasteners, the

The impact is standard issue, the drill is the higher end of their drill drivers, but you may be better served going up a rank to the hammer drill. I checked out the DCK280C2 because it had an impact, and was 10 bucks cheaper, but it was the lower end model impact and had 1.5a batteries instead of 2a. If it was just

The impact is standard issue, the drill is the higher end of their drill drivers, but you may be better served going

The delicately choreographed handling of the 3 stooges in the Bandit camp took me weeks to figure out. I spent even more time working on the wizard’s duel.

This is what I hoped for as well.

No. There is no reason for me to ever provide personal information to a stranger on the internet.

I’ve got a nest of bro-wasps that clear out all of the soft and squishy bugs that love to eat our leafy vegetables. It takes them about 2-3 days after cabbage worms show up to when they are clear. Damage is usually pretty minimal, and no chemicals used.

It is a lot easier than admitting that govt regulations occasionally help people. You do have to give him credit, he sorta implied that consumer protection laws are ok. That is a really good first step.

Trying to solve a problem by avoiding the problem in the first place isn’t a reasonable solution when the problem exists.

I used to have really bad heartburn because of Mercury being in retrograde, but I started meditating and aligning my chakras before I eat chili dogs and it went away. I’m thinking about getting a small rock and attributing my financial success on that. (Assuming I’m succeeding financially after I buy the rock)

Z culling was around long before quake. If you wanna get technical, ray casting engines (wolfenstein 3d, doom, etc) used it every single time a sprite was around a corner.

My wife plays this while she ignores the TV.

All factions had very large stockpiles of mustard gas. My guess is that it was a MAD problem, just like nukes.

Male nipples have a perfectly rational evolutionary purpose. It’s less complicated to code. Evolution’s idea of “best” is often “easiest”.

Yes, he does have a cyberbrain. This is part of the greater narrative that EVERYONE is augmented in some way or another. The Laughing Man was an effective villain because of this. This further underlines the point that Togusa was considered to be low on the augmentation scale. Cyber Brains are ubiquitous. A current

The things that I mentioned are integral story points. This wasn’t supposed to be a brave new world. This was how the world already was, and has been, and people are finally thinking about the metaphysical ramifications.

The original story is significantly changed. The Major wasn’t anything special. She was just another full body augmentation. It was super common. The fact that Togusa didn’t have any augmentations was actually uncommon and part of the reason why he was in section 9 in the first place.

Oh yah... that was why I posted in the first place.

I tried this that night. You’re right, it doesn’t taste absolutely the same, which is why I said “basically”. There are minor, not super noticeable differences, that in my opinion make the wine based option less preferable to vodka, but I don’t really like red wine that much. My wife is a wine drinker and preferred