@VanilaGorila-x-: Rock n Roll. They were all gone by the time I got here anyway. But, I'll make note for next time ;)
@VanilaGorila-x-: Rock n Roll. They were all gone by the time I got here anyway. But, I'll make note for next time ;)
@Good news, everyone!: Lol'd
Predator is by far thee best alien badass, as a concept.
Man, that guy looks like a right scumbag.
@Yokai: heh heh
I am at work 8( Make me a saddd Panda...
@HungerSTGF: Man if I weren't such a jaded graphics whore I'd be all over that game; i've heard few people talking about how much they are enjoying it..
First PC game for me was Prince of Persia original side-scroller game, when I was like 6. Then was Sim City, off a floppy! Then Windows 95 came out and oh boy! Red Alert and Warcraft- Orcs and Humans...
@highspeeddirt: Pfffff hahahahaha!
@ScubaGuy: Lol'd my pants.
@battra92: Who the hell's John Lennon?!
@Amsterdaam - I'm not really the city: That is COOOOOL! 8D
:) the beginning for me, funnily enough before I discovered the Commodore 64. Man. Nostalgiaaa
@SulabhaElephat: lolz
@Trencher: lol
Facebook.. more like Shitbook amiright
What is she doesn't like sausages, or she's a veggie?
@mutedia: Might have to sit on my hands..