-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@CrimsonFlamesX: I'm picking it up tonight! Have waited so long for a sequel to Dead Rising. The first was great, but a few dynamics missing that are pretty much standard in games these days, biggest being movement while aiming!

@Zepwich: Ah ha. Explains everything.

@The Black Pigeon: Hopefully be making one of these beauties this weekend! xD

@Shiryu: There is no going back.

@SirSalami: Where in the world does this originate from?!

@Ravennl: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! :S

@PlaidNinja: I bought the Black Phantom edition with the soundtrack, art and strategy guide. In the strategy guide it advises to roll a character using the Royalty class, because you have fast melee and a pretty brutal long-range attack, that pretty much kills the starting enemies in one hit. I must say after first

Dead Rising 2 ! 8)

@zenpoet: Oh damn straight. I mean what do I want real butter on my toast, or that half-assed, low-fat shit that tastes like fucking car oil. Point.

I can't believe it's so popular sales were suspended, due to not enough being produced or?

@zenpoet: Well it's obvious isn't it?!

@JNiceta: I agree man, I loved BFBC2 when it first came out, played the hell out of that game, but have gone off it recently. Not enough new, I mean actually new, maps and DLC coming out for it. But the formula was fucking fantastic. Much more realistic than MW, which when it first came out with the over-powered

@Stilusul: I understand that, but when I first saw the video, with one of the developers commenting on it, he talked about how different it was; then whoever was playing it went on to get a 'killstreak' or 'support' whatever they call it on there, and called it something very similar to a predator missile. I couldn't

@ManiacalEskimo: YOu obviously haven't played MW2 enough. There's nothing like the graphical debauchery that featured in that video.

Mega Lol'zzzzz!

Looks fucking amazing! 8D

I want a code! Anyone chances someone could point me in the right direction?