-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@DrakeDatsun: Care to elaborate on that? How do you know that is true?

@Azhrarn: Yeah exactly. So how to keep the frame rates smooth? Just black out most of the color and detail.


Prefer the ones on the left myself to be honest, the 'less superior' ones..

@Orionsaint: Yoyo. The beginning of totally immersed gaming.

@ManuOtaku: Wow you are busy! My health is good thanks 8) Same to you. Where did you vacation? I'm jealous, I'm in dire need of a holiday!

@ManuOtaku: Where have you been? How are you? 8)

I want Rage.... and Mass Effect 3....

@Shin-GO: Hahahahahahah!!.....

@ak-blanc: Saw this on Gizmodo today. Fucking rocks.

@interkin3tic: Dude. I watched them all up until the show was cancelled before season 5 was released. Season 2 was a total fucking wash-out. It had no real main story-line and most of the characters that appeared in it were killed off.

@8thR: Awesome. Narrator is really funny to!

@Frank: Probably not! xD

@pandafresh: Amen man. I really dislike the resident evil movies just because of that.

Damn cool 8)

@R0bster: Oh darling, it was super!

@martinf1: I walked through Fort Gay, in first person view.