-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@villa-dean: You watch the video. 'The police were on the scene with in minutes, and the youths were arrested around the next block...'

Love the screenshot to!

Awesome. It's about time 8)

Bought Dead Space on Saturday, ploughing through it at a reasonable rate, got myself to chapter 7 now 8)

@ellevate: I live down the road from the SAS. I'd say those boys would look after us.

@Balmut: Don't be such a pussy xD

@Pray4Mojo: Funnily enough we were just talking about that scene with Ray Liotta from Hannibal series, like 5 mins ago..

Apple, expensive?! Well I never..

@kearneybobs: Haha. I know that feeling. Christ the end of MGS4.... completed it about 10:30pm thinking yeah not I can go to sleep (had work in the morning). Little did I know I had about 2 hours of cut-scenes to sit through..

Human brains are weird and wonderful like that.

@Pojodin: As long as there's a weapon to be found, never can there be too many zombies. Never!

@phamm: If that ever become true you'd have to invite me over. Of course I'd have to pick up a pair of pump action shotguns first.

I haven't got a problem with anything you guys do. I love it here.

The man has no expression. He is a machine.

I am a badass at this game. Seriously.

Have only played the demo of the first. Just another game in the never ending back-log of goodness.