-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

Where's the fact of the TAY guy!? I'm in need of my daily dose of general knowledge.

@Fernando Jorge: I found a pretty funny one of these the other day. I don't know what site it was on, but it was just a drop-down box and it had ages 18 upwards. Super lazy, but very much liked.

@aliw: Damn you! You've foiled my plans! xD

@Balmut: That has got to be the greatest star achieving comment ever xD

@pinshot: Haha! Sorry, didn't realise that the fun police were in town..

What's that you say? Big Kotaku dinner for all your loyal fans? Steaks and lobsters for everyone!? xD

That's some funny shit.

@SenorKaffee: That's really something else. Seriously, kudos to that guy. I feel sick with nostalgia.

@jack2pot: That donkey scares the shit out of me!

Just ordered myself some custom print t-shirts. A Zelda one and Mario one! Super happy.. xD

@Holyhitman: Sounds like a good night to me :)

@CubemonkeyNYC: Is it wrong that when I see one of his posts, or see him in comments, I get butterflies in my stomach?

Thought I was having a bad trip then...

@Deanb: Yeah that sounds about right to me to.