@data_enabler: ah heh heh heh xD
@data_enabler: ah heh heh heh xD
@drivenbyart: Hehe, interesting strategy.
@eclipsegryph: I loved Fallout 3, and Fallout Vegas is giving me sexy feelings just thinking about it. I'm just saying it looks too similar to the previous. Might not be though! We'll have to wait and seeeeee! xD
@MRMATT: The graphics aren't looking up to much to be honest. Looks exactly the same as Fallout 3 from where I'm sitting.
@uglyteradon: It's not such a bad thing. It's all about perception. Girls just make you weak! xD
Hmmm. Intersting. I wonder how this'll go down in the UK. For RDR it was said that you would only get one bonus, 'Warhorse' and 'Golden-Guns' for pre-orders from say, Gamestop, but in the UK when I pre-ordered from Game I received all 3 bonuses (I say all 3; I still haven't got my Deadly Assassin outfit because of a…
@Killer Toilet: He is the WorldWars answer to Cpt Price! xD
@Killer Toilet: I can't say that I'm not because I love the franchise, and I really enjoyed WaW. The story line was good, but not as good as the MW series, but I spent many hours on the multiplayer and did really like it. If Trey-arch can deliver I'll be really happy for them.
@outuendo: Loving the funky bass-line in Super Mario, Nes! xD
Completed MW2 in single player last night. Never played it before last night, took me 4 hours on regular difficulty. It was an awesome experience I must say.
@Synthos: It seems that Midway were actually bought out by WB when they went bust. Check out the links I posted above!
@TheRockingDead: I guess your right, although Midway were actually bought out by Warner Brothers. [kotaku.com]
@Cool Story, Bro: OoOoOoOoh. Now that's an interesting concept!
@uglyteradon: Sounds like a good start to the summer of gaming to me ;)
'Electronic Entertainment Expo'
@hell_snake: I'm fucking stoked for this game! I love MGS, probably one of my favourite series ever. I hope they pull it off! Wonder if Snakes still going to be alive and what has happened to Rose and Jacks son?!
@Grind_Axis: Does the Pope molester children?
@Killer Toilet: Hahaa! Awesome.