-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@ibro911: Computers are pretty common though aren't they, and have been for like the last 15 years.

@LunaEclDark: Your right it does! Scandalous! Although there is actually a mute button in the bottom left corner of the game, which is on by default until you play click on the game to play it.

@nipsen: From someone who has worked in tech support; you'd be surprised. Trust me.

The tech support guy is pretty... informal; that surprised me quite a bit.

@Thomas R VanSlambrouck: Not too sure about when it originally appeared on there, but I've just looked now and you have to press 'insert coin' in order to play. Lol. Sounds like she needs some new glasses aswell.

@Piccoroz: That's the second time I've seen someone say that. I can't actually seem to find a solid answer though, and without proof, it's obviously just speculation, but it would explain the 'out or range' business.

@Goldwings: Is in love with the moon: The difference in the controller for me is very noticeable. For some reason I feel really uncomfortable playing analogue sticks set on the same horizontal axis; it feels like I have less control in comparison to the 360 control.

Great way to start the day. Thank you xD

@Northern Cat: My NAT is set to open (PS3=2) so it's definitely not that.

You think so? I happens what I'm actually in the game so I don't think it's anything to do with my internet or matchmaking. It's definitely more to do with graphical issues and coding. It's saying that it can't find the right coding basically, but why? My theory is because the GPU is being overloaded or something..

I went out and bought MW2 on the PS3. I haven't played it for a few months now, since I foolishly sold my Xbox360...

@kearneybobs: I haven't played up to that point yet, but I've seen my brother complete it. The ending was fantastically done; I must say I loved it 100%

@NarooN: China sounds like the place for you!

@Nethlem: Ok I admit that I have borrowed music, but I thought we were talking about video-games..