-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@lance.uppercut: I have to disagree with you on the #science comment, and all other 'non-news.' OK, it may be be video-game related news, but it is still news to some people and those people may want to read it. I understand everyones frustration on this subject recently, as Kotaku advertises itself as a gamers blog,

@DAS: I thought the same when I saw Blastoise.

@ZonesV: I'm not too sure as to why, but if you are new to the community it takes a short while for your comments to become visible.


..And 1500£ can buy you the shittest Micro Machines game known to man. Woooo....

@cptincognito: I just love the COD game engine. I love zombie games, and the WaW one was a little extra, yet it was the best I played.

I thought that was what everyone did to get into a clan....

@MasterNihil: I think you mean COD4:MW or COD:MW2 ?!

@twinturbo2: Great arcade game. Loved the soundtrack. Takes me back.

@Zentaki: I have read somewhere that they're definitely going to include zombies in the next game. Not sure where now...

@UltimatePancakeSensation: What, just like the difference between going home and killing people for fun in a video-game, no harm done; or wanking over little girls? It's not even on the same level so I don't see how you can compare that.

@Zero254: I think it can be stopped. It's not natural. It's a dark thing to have in your mind. If you ask me it's a mental illness that can be helped.

@Chronixal: Ah nice. Not to taxing then. Sit back and take it as easy as possible!

@Chronixal: Ah thats sucks bro. Still it's all about your own path etc. It's too easy to compare to other people, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and all that stuff.