@Nexus6: Hahaha! Fucked up
@Nexus6: Hahaha! Fucked up
@Zack1e: Congratulations ;)
@Deanb: England!!!
oooh prettyy xD
Bank holiday here in the UK +1 days paid holiday equals a 4 days weekend! Woot! Time to get RDR finished!
@G1bblets: Hey that's not actually a bad idea. If I could find one it would be worth like 50p these days, haha.
@ManuOtaku: Aww great! It's a really great game, as I guessed you have heard :P
@Metalaman: The live shit album is S&M, no?
@kearneybobs: Hehe xD
@ManuOtaku: Hey Manu! Yeah it was great to finally get to play with you. You understand it's difficult now with Red Dead out :P But I haven't been able to play BFBC2 for a while, but you re-ignited my passion once more, so thanks.
@StoicPersonEater: Newsflash: It grows in the ground... ;P
@Masonvrocks Ver. 3.0: Hahahaha!
@Deanb: I keep trying to post replies, the loading clock shows something's happening, but nothing does.
Omg. That was actually one of the first games I played, at least on a 'PC.'
@stone500: Yes. That couldn't be truer!
@kearneybobs: I've seen alot of people with that recently. I had it at one stage, but then everyone at work got it to! xD
@indyit: 'Snake! Put that away!'
@Ajh: And I wrote quite a bit, posted it on that other guys comment... Pretty annoying..
@Ajh: I tried to reply to your computer question, but couldn't...