-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

Wow.. That video was like a time-line of my video-game experiences, all rolled into 4 mins.. Mind blowing!


Awww :) Epic tale. Big congratulations to you sir! And to Emily.

Well... How about that!

Going to a mates to play some Alan Wake tonight and get drunk! xD Woo hoo

@Maloret: Fuck man.... go away.

@Arctic0ne: Watched 1 and 2 on blu-ray in an evenings for the first time like 2weeks ago, awesome films.. well the second isn't so great, but it's not terrible.

@Keasar: That's pretty sweet man!

That was fucking amazing! xD

@nightblue: Haha! xD ...Weather looks nice in there.

@Pessimippopotamus: Playing through the Mass Effects as an asshole is against my moral stance.... But my god, it's so worth it. Some of the actions are funny as hell! xD

Hahaha! Nice. It definitely looks... shit xD

@UnholierThanThou: Yeah the airs.. uh.. quite thin up there... get big headrushes and that... hehe

@jesterspawn: Well yeah. The engine is different for a start, and the graphics are definitely more refined and colourful in MW2 compared to MW1. Also check out the screen shot of Strike, there's like a Al-Asad print on the wall; correct me if I'm wrong? But that wasn't there originally.

@ManuOtaku: Ok! I'll be on tomorrow sometime. Going up to a mates tomorrow night though to play some Alan Wake! xD Remember you were saying about me selling my Xbox360? I wish I didn't sell it now! :( ha. Oh well..

@FigNewton: Oh, its a reference to LP2 is it. I've never got into the Lost Planet series to be honest. I DL'd the demo for PS3, but didn't really think much of it... Bit slow-paced for my liking.