-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end
Now playing

@Clixx13: Someone posted something earlier saying something like, "Great video-games post, Brian.."

@irishhenshin: Ah, great! I'm glad your getting the hang of it. To be honest it's only since I started reading the book I am atm that I've really got a grasp of what Networking is about, and on a pretty basic level in terms of how god damn complicated it's going to get! xD

@Clixx13: In no way was I referring to your post when I responded to, 'pressstart.' He made a comment in reference to a response I made to someone elses post later on in this topic. If you find and read that post you'll understand why I said what I have.

Fast-paced action right there baby! I'm liking it!

@Dan2593: Ah, I see... Spoilsports! Especially seeing as he doesn't essentially own this video..

@Eternal: Omg, I completely forgot about that face in Power Rangers until now!

@Mister_CrazyGuy: Damn straight! I used to run an antique business here in the UK. I sold a gate out of a skip for £20; a fire surround out of a skip, sanded-down and painted up for £60..

@xsabakux: Haha! I had this game for the SNES...

@Clixx13:....And that's the way the cookie crumbles...

@Leuzo: Someones a little bitter ;)

@alliedcvil: Hey, I didn't really mean any offence. I was just messing to be honest with you, although you have to admit paying 15$ purely to hold a gun in the other hand is a bit insane.

@Koztah: Why would you try and swim? The guy was hydrophobic! xD

@Foohy: Maybe he had a bad experience with the water as a child? ;D

Someone should have asked if there was a... 'Hot-Coffee' mod in it...?