-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

I wants one! ....Although I don't do Credit Cards.

*Tingles* :')

@DooDooSmellsWorse: What? You didn't like the Hollywood version of *sniggers* Street Fighter.... xD

We love the Wii in Europe eh..

@Jwraith: Never knew this! Thanks xD

@kitsuneconundrum: What? This doesn't work for you where you come from?! xD

I liked it! I'm really enjoying all these fan-films on here at the moment. I need more.. More!

@Veit: Yes; yes he does.

(This guys post was here, now its not, after I'd written all this, so I'm putting it out there anyway, because my time is also money xD )

@Daizzy: 100 people pay $2, that's $200. 1000 is $2000! See where this is going? xD Any money is fucking awesome to those who are in need :)

Hahahaha!....awwww.. god...

@Diaman: Haha. So true.

@DarkNessbear:Your also missing the fact that it excercises hand-eye coordination, which in my opinion is 100x more skillful than running within proximity of your foe and spam 'x' hotkey until you get your designated action in...

@Eulatos: There are good RPGs out there. But they aren't the sort of game that would appeal to the casual gamer really, are they?

@BoxOfScraps: No opinions are a form of choice. On the other hand arrogance isn't.

@vickissv3: I'll be downloading that tonight! I've had my collegue here teasing me about it today. Damn living in the UK. Can watch it on normal 'freeview,' but ironically you have to pay for it....

@Vizion28: Can't ever remembering talking about a Wii xP But yeah.

@Kotakufan777: While funnily enough I was thinking along the same lines really before I wrote the first comment; the market the iPhone is covering in my opinion, and yours I guess, are the sort of flash games and cheap games, not massively time-consuming and overally entertaining, but enough so that people spend money