-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@gaiking: Mmm, I'd like to think not really. Hopefully we're all intellectuals here, or at least mature enough to respect others opinions.

@Mokon: Not many to be honest. It's what I've deciphered from my own experiences.

@jonesey666: We all have an obligation to survive. It's how we choose to fulfil this that defines who we are.


@Tre_Green: Someone's a little arrogant ;)

.. too damn late

@ManuOtaku: Ok dude! Well at the main menu go to play with friends under multiplayer, create a squad then just give us an invite. That'll send a msg to me and ask if i wanna join! What do you normally play btw??

I didn't read the topic.. but,

@ManuOtaku: ah that's cool, it takes some getting used to but to me, it definitely the most epic war game I've played on a console to date! I gave you a inv the other night but you must of missed it, and then you inv'd me but i wasn't actually there... I accidentally left my ps3 on all day while at work! .< poor

@ManuOtaku: Yeah. I'll give you an addy. Sorry haven't been on Kotaku for quite a while.. been studying and working hard, but always time for a bit of BC2. I'll give you a shout tonight, after I put my girl to bed. If you want to add me first feel free -GeneralLeeHappy.

@OmegaSpartan08: Yeah, do some cutesy side mission where Shepard pulls a cat out of a space tree xD Good sense of well-being achievement !

@Witzbold: God I hope they bring out another PS3 game of the MGS series. My heart just can't let go yet.. It's too painful..

@OmegaSpartan08: I understand your curiosity for ME2, there isn't really much reason for having no infants, but GTA... Would be pretty controversial if you could go around running down kids.

@Shrewsbury: Excalibur 2555 A.D. (PS)... argh

@nerdmanwhippy: Damn straight, best movie I seen this year, hands down!
