@ManuOtaku: Hahaha. It's a test of endurance for sure! Do you really want to give up giving us money!?? xD
@ManuOtaku: Hahaha. It's a test of endurance for sure! Do you really want to give up giving us money!?? xD
@bkdbear1991: Cheers bear xD
@ManuOtaku: Hey Manu, cheers man :) I am hoping so!
@twinturbo2: Who you going for? xD
I had to ring Microsoft billing support today to cancel my XBL subscription indefinitely, as I sold my Xbox360 now and bought a PS3, to play Heavy Rain and GoW.
@Crimsondramon: Cheers Solid Snake. Your my hero xD
@battra92: Ah it's perfectly justafiable as video-gamer to pay homage to the man, he's of legendary status!
@jonesey666: Any cake sounds good to me dude! Kratos cake my rip my guts out though xD Lol.
@DragonDawn85: Cheers man.
It's my Birthday Kotakuites! xD
@Sloopydrew: Yeah I agree with Mokon. If you want value for money, cancel it and wait till it drops it price or you cna get it second-hand and get Heavy Rain; although if your looking for rip-rawring hack n slash, you might want to stick with GoW xD
@ClaudioIphigenia: FucKing Awsome Sauce!!! xD
@njdevil: Aww man, you beat me to it. This is what me and my friend at work call it xD
I gots on DVD, you wanna borrow?! xD
No COD will ever be as good as COD4 in my eyes.
@fern91: hahaha.. aww chad is a timeless legend now..
@vidhagans: =D Onwards and upwardsss!
@PuffyTail: Thank you! :)
@battra92: Thanks my man! It's a great victory for me in my life. :)