-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end

@nutbastard: Aw man, me and my ex were into all that sort of stuff. It does a good job of getting you off, the whole dominance thing. But you know, its sexy dominating someone who is sexy, and has the power to fight back. Not a powerless child, with nothing to show. That's just for fucked up wierdos.

@HopelessComposer: Lol. You got some fucked up logic brother. In other words, no.

Some people on here have some pretty sick ideas of what is actually ok..

"And actual pornography aside, the cottage industry of DVDs and photobooks of little girls (some as young as four years old!) wearing swimsuits and thongs..."

So what's 'Red Ring of Death' in Japanese?

@Frygon: It's cuz your all neurotic idiots!

Bombing Japan with a nuclear weapon, oppression of it's own people, fat people... hamburgers...

@RockyRan: It's a bad excuse for a social network, with mini-games painted in pretty colours. I've lost good friends to WoW. They have become mindless zombies. :( I fucking hate that game.

:( So so sad.

Oh my god.. I remember this, and I gave up playing WoW like 2 years ago.

@Curse lily: Most woman I met don't have breasts that big! xD

@Altima NEO: For me it's the fact they are all the same, nearly, and pretty involve no hand-eye coordination, which is skill to me.

@BeerManMike: First thing I thought. You beat me to it, you bastard!

@Jack McCauley: Watch Gameswipe on Youtube. You will fucking laugh! xD Some of what he says is.. debatable, but hell, the guy can put stuff into perspective.

*In builder's voice*