
You throw out two possession offenses as an example and somehow don't expect me to make the connection?

In basketball the ball is more secure in your hands than it is when it's in the air. We'll probably continue to see teams that emphasize rotating the ball to find an open man, but the Barcelona style of short passing doesn't quite hold the same advantage in possession in basketball, especially with the shot clock.

When it comes to Adjusted Touches of the "Frontcourt," this guy is from another planet.

My little nerdlings....

"Is there anyone on the planet cooler than Yoko Ono?"

this robot also can move from simple fingering to shocker before you can say 'no thanks'

Perhaps the machines can still be beaten...with love.

I keep waiting for KD to pretend he's setting a pick, steal the ball from RW, and take a high-percentage shot.

These folks are professional trolls.

Binary number jokes are so hit-or-miss.

I'm fairly well versed in media literacy, as much as I am in feminism, which is what ultimately led me to be a frequent reader of Jezebel. I suppose I can see how my original comment can be interpreted as you have, and so I'm going to zero in on precisely what removes it from universal considerations: "Men like myself,

You do realize that designers are told what to do by higher ups, right? It's not like we are a cult of people hell bent on making unattainable images.

Not at all uncommon or unexplainable. Like most ostriches, Bosh has merely mistaken a fast-receding hairline for a swiftly diminishing supply of grass. You can sense his urgency in the first interview as he cruises by with displeasure at not being able to graze. He lurks deftly behind LeBron, but Ah! Lebron has

No, you're mistaken. This is a post about Drew's Bill of Men's Rights, not his constitution.

To all the haters, this is what Cameron does. As an actress, she absorbs the scene and makes it her own. She becomes the living embodiment of these characters. The props are unnecessary - she is the film. She is drama and comedy intertwined. I am, without a doubt, positive that this is Oscar gold for her. She will not

This was hard to read (literally, hard to understand what the author was trying to say), but I appreciate the overall sentiment. It's always been very interesting how much more complicated early women's rights movements really were - their relationship to race issues, reproductive rights, etc. To quibble with a

I say it's time to define, not for the first time, where a comma goes.

Reminds me of when Sheriff Joe was asked if a more passive means could be used to protect our borders instead of the use of deadly force.

This speech didn't go over as well when I repeated it to the law firm partners who were bitching about my excessive blog commenting.