
That hurt me.

My Mother, The Car.

Needs sound, though, for those who haven't seen the video.

I want the Trial Blade.

Well, let's see the list of movies she ghost re-wrote...

Of all the doodles, she's the one I most wish could be un-did.

Hey! He had... y'know, those two months or so of decent shooting.

Uh, wow, it looks like the dude basically took Ian Levy's XPPS and got into finer grained detail using the fancy tracking stats.

He's a sucker for the pain of a bent dick.

Nah, the Sprite-Grant Hill ones.

But interesting nonetheless. It's only heartless if we act based on the economics and we don't pay attention to the less tangible stuff.

You were talking about what to do about the cost of type 2 diabetes, and about the causes of type 2 diabetes, not about the cost itself. And you so casually implied that I don't care about those populations.

You know, you're mostly right, and I'm mostly wrong in presuming that total health care costs are higher for everyone. From a cursory google search, it looks like most of the evidence is that smoking and obesity are actually sources of savings for the health care system, though it's not totally clear.

And because "65 year old man dies of complications from diabetes" isn't a great headline.

That's a good point, and I can't believe I hadn't noticed that.

That's a lovely little ad hominem straw man you've built for me.

That's a fair point, but there are some locations where it seems exceedingly unlikely a cop would show up (in the middle of nowhere, somewhere with no road access, at the end of the docks).

The reason no one shames tanners is because there aren't enough psycho-tanners to really influence health care costs. When a third of the country looks like jerky, it'll start. I'm sure there are comments on Jezebel about tanners that would, were they about weight, meet the concern-trolling/fat-shaming standards of