I wonder if the other stories I wrote in that journal are coming to life?!
I wonder if the other stories I wrote in that journal are coming to life?!
The problem is that we have a hell of a time trying to differentiate between the effects of a given program and the broader culture of the country. Yes, many of the countries with better benefits seem... better than the US. But it's quite possible that those benefits are the effect, rather than the cause, of those…
And yet people are having and raising children as we type. We've got no shortage of kids here, so why subsidize them?
That's not really the issue; I'm concerned with the 'how', and then the 'how much'.
Would you support a tax that was paid directly to parents? Like, we'll tax everyone who earns over 60k a year, and give that money to new parents?
Y'know, a 16% difference between men's belief in workplace sexism and women's is actually pretty positive.
Newborns aren't a necessity.
Adulthood is hard
Wait... I always thought Jenji Kohan was black.
In poor taste, but "Gia was the most beautiful person I knew inside and out" sounds a little filthy.
Please, just start a blog talking about the blog on the LL site. That stuff is too good.
Nah, Kill People Burn Shit, Fuck School.
Fuck you and your dipshit, availability-heuristic-ass, "Stay true to your own national culture, because as someone ethnic you were clearly born and/or raised differently and that's great so just stay that way" bullshit.
Slightly more sensical response:
Fuck is a manwich, tho?
I read through both of these and again, it's frequently mentioned that he's a racist ass, but not how he specifically did anything to abuse WoC (beyond the systemic shutting out of non-white voices at sites like this).
What if a guy picked a pair of linen (I dunno) pants specifically for the strip club because the 'sensation' was better? It's the same type of act as putting on these things, only less effective. Is any amount of pant/underpant selection with an eye to 'sensation' somewhat abusive?
Such a useful, insightful post; very Wool, Jenna.
Also helpful in not being an asshole: not assuming that someone asking a question about a particular behavior/situation is actually demonstrating that behavior/in that situation.