
I too am a little jaded as well, as working in retail for years, and busting my butt to service people well. I guess I get pissed when I see terrible service simply due to sheer laziness or selfishness, which is the norm here in Australia, especially in franchised shops that employ teens due to being cheaper. I'm very

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Check out Babylon 5, as they consulted JPL on how future spaceships are supposed to move in zero gravity. In fact, the pilots use the relativistic forces to their advantage many times.

At least the only side effect of this in excessive doses is a sexually satisfied, lactating, hungry soldier.

The video illustrates the type of customer service that's common in Australia, and how some staff treat the customer with utter contempt for imposing on their 'chat/txt' time. This video isn't a comment on Best Buy, but rather Louis' video of being ignored and treated like crap from someone paid to service you, which

Perhaps it's my lack of understanding with US, but I can't understand how in a country that prides itself on freedom, how can anyone accept the fact that they're not allowed entry if they don't give up their own personal property to a stranger. I guess it's their store and their rules, but I can't imagine in this

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Where I am, this is a real life video of ALL our franchised and nearly every other store as well.

Maybe it's because I'm from another country, but I can't understand how anyone can be legally obliged to hand over your own personal property to a counter-clown?

Everyone knows those things are fragile, as they quickly deflate after one little prick.

you forgot to mention the inclusion of hazmat suits to pick it up.

Remember you're reading a headline from business that models it's profits on trying to sell their news headlines to as many as possible, so flashy & somewhat misleading headlines are their bread & butter, as long as it sells stories.

Why bother, everyone knows it smells like Uranus.

Jar Jar Binks & Anakin 'I-hate-Master-Kenobi-he-doesn't-let-me-do-what-I-want' Skywalker. Nothing more needs to be said.

I'd pay 8 dollars more to have the pleasure of beating those who green-light and direct such insipid, shallow and formulaic garbage.

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Somehow I can't imagine we'll rid ourselves of legalized infliction or 'dentistry'.

Isn't complete without the charred corpses of Lucas' endless revisions.

Keeping in mind it was a Disney movie aimed at kids and teens, and anything that's aimed at that audience isn't going to have deep story-lines & significant character development. That being said, at least it had a storyline, as opposed to modern fascination with pure eye-candy and a loose plot formed by remnants of

And fatists deserve the banhammer.

Fatism - the new black.