
oh yes, it's so easy to pass off the complexity of bio-metabolism, physiology, socioeconomic and psychology as 'stop eating crap fatty'.

Oh yeah, real fun when Oprah comes on!

Looks like those resourceful Japanese have already beat them to it.

That explains why some food tastes like s...

...but cursing does enhance the speaking/listening experience.

A more prudent concern is the amount of fecal matter that ends up on toothbrushes? I'm not talking about due to some strange sexual act, but merely from flushing the toilet after dropping the kids off at the pool.

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Warning: Frequent use will cause nasty ass.

Sigh, cholesterol doesn't repair arteries, elements of blood cells do. Cholesterol sticks to the repairs made to the arteries, which eventually build to block it. Heart disease is a complex disease that is more than simply pointing out one element, such as saturated fat. It's akin to saying some snakes are dangerous

it depends on what fat that was used in the trials.

Vegans: the new free-range white meat

What do you think sticks to arterial plague? I'm sorry, but saturated fat is the very thing you should be avoiding.

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Comes complete with certification that American's did on the moon.

Sorry, couldn't resist flame-bating fanboys, especially when the article featured brain scans.

my photoshopping powers ain't that great!

so your saying your brain doesn't look like a bluescreen, but a different one. Good heavens, get that seen to!

That explains everything!

Perhaps it was Ketchap Manis? That's a thick, syrupy sweet soy flavored with caramel and other ingredients. I guess living in Oz, due to the close proximity with Asia, I've been lucky to experiment with varying Asian ingredients. I guess it's a similar situation with the US and Mexican cuisine, as here in Oz, our idea

Wikipedia isn't the definitive resource for reliable or evaluated evidence. However, I said that diet plays a role, but isn't he ultimate decider on smell. Also, cumin isn't really heavily used in some SE Asian diets, unlike garlic and ginger.

There are differing types of Soy sauce, and they vary for their function. Kikkoman is a Japanese soy better suited to suishi/sashimi dishes, whilst others like Chinese, Indonesian, Korean and Vietnamese all have their own variances better suited to their own cuisines.

Rubbish, you obviously haven't been in a bus full of sweaty SE Asians. Granted they might not smell as rancid as us stinking westerners, but they do still smell. Diet has a lot to do with it, and seeing how crap the western diet is, is it any wonder it oozes out through our pores.