
We all know the adage about opinions and assholes, but a fair few like the OP are the latter.

Just remember that magazine pages get sticky & tear easily.

Pish Posh!, this provides an excellent source of inks in the diet... plus I bet they don't notice the ground up gym mats in the burgers!

If you think they're neon, you need your eyes checked. Funny, they said the same thing about colour televisions, along with their 'only a fad'.

Exactly, at least they had the pleasure of actually being in the company of their considerate family members, even though they didn't appreciate their efforts. I know for a fact that my cousins would give anything to see their mother they lost this year, and I would give anything to just hear her infectious laugh and

There's a clear distinction between homosexuality and homosexual acts, for which some people tend to lump together.

I think you'll find that many of the words in certain passage, that have been used as definitive proof of biblical intent were actual mistranslations of languages, causing a loss of actual meaning. The meanings becomes as skewed and lost, and much of it is taken out of context. It is also prudent to remember that many

Show me an the exact quote in an original translated to English bible stating God saying "homosexuality is a sin". What is said is alluding euphemisms of certain sexual acts and sleeping arrangements being distasteful to those writing the passages. It does say that eating shellfish and pork, sex without creating

They'll be happy, though they still will need to keep the turkey baster.

1 decent show out of hundreds of garbage doesn't make a good argument.

Very true, but I'm glad you agree that the vast majority of the rest is absolute garbage, pandering to the lowest common denominator.

I just want one that has a proximity sensor, and says something like 'Don't point that thing at me, it's loaded", followed by drowning screams.

"suspenseful plots & television", that's got to be the biggest oxymoron I've ever heard. Television along with movies have become so formulaic, banal and predictable, that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can accurately predict the resolution within the first 5 minutes. The rest is just filler, canned laughter

that happens to be smuggling a pineapple.

I tend to think that Gizmodo is more of a social commentary blog then actual technology blog, and fascinating debates start up that are more concerned with the impact of the technological advance, than the actual technology itself. Your articulate post regarding privileged, as well as waxing poetic about all things

You do realize that he's got aspergers. To those who've never been exposed to it, aspergers can appear ego-maniacal & douchey, when in fact they very poor social skills and social boundaries. High intelligence & fixating on something to the nth degree is another common aspect of ASD. Assange is the

As a fellow member of the LGBT community, let me be the first to welcome you here, as your mature insight will add to the diversity of Gizmodo.

Now playing

This toy is so hot in Germany, it's steaming!

I'd be more concerned if someone dropped it.
