


This is exactly WHY health insurance should be universal and everyone should pay in.

I opted to build a desktop PC and get a chromebook—probably spent as much as I would have on a quality laptop.

haha it was a super quick dressup... my wife made a brown and green tutu, and i made a paper mask/crown groot head. then bought a Rocket toy for her to hang on to lol.

Nothing really prevented a Burner account from doing the same thing before. I'm still sort of surprised they weren't being used myself.

I was expecting this to come up at Jalopnik. I live in Kaohsiung. The explosions are at about 10 minute drive from where I live, but I didn't feel a thing at the time. The explosions are suspected to be caused by underground pipes according to the initial investigation. Since Kaohsiung has always been the number 1

You read nothing. *waves hands mystically*

Shit, I don't even leave my laptop/camera/phone in a hot car, much less would I leave anything with a pulse in there. It's just preposterous.

Yeah now that you've pointed it out its really unprofessional. I am an animator myself and I hand paint every cell of my works with dyes I extract from rare flowers. Every individual character has their own backstory that I write before-hand. Two animators is a little unnecessary. I do all my work myself, usually in

A football player at Georgia failing a 100 level course? That is science fiction.

So, because the story started out sexist that's how it has to stay?

As a Kenyan and as a runner, I can comfortably call bullshit on this. 30 years ago, young poor kids in the rural areas perhaps. But TODAY in high school track and the elite army and police teams (where most Kenyan elite runners come from) do not run barefoot, they have Nike and Adidas/Asics etc deals. And they win

I think the perfect Alien game would mix genres the way the movies do. Alien is survival horror film, basically a slasher movie in space. Aliens is a war movie. If they had made any other alien movies, they'd likely be in other genres, too.

Great article. Seriously awesome read.

Fictional novels aren't real life news stories. They don't "happen" on a time line that is available to the world. They "happen" whenever the person who is reading them reads them. So the "happening" is not decades old. The release of a book that gives away zero clues as to its story "happened". Many discussions

Satire, right?

Obviously it was his speeding that caused the light to appear green. Stupid Doppler shift.

Why the fuck do we stand for the TSA anymore? This multi-billion dollar program has never been shown to stop terrorists, and rather serves as a nuisance and an offensive entity that's funded by our government. It's really ridiculous.

You have given me my million-dollar idea: a nationwide chain of GripGyms, where people will stand around anxiously just gripping things and waiting for random scary shit to happen like the floor to fall away or a tornado-force wind machine to kick in. Also they can carry shopping home for people, who will ALSO pay me.