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Exterior Shot to save time? That is called lazy film making. Having people move about this ship give us perspective that we can attempt to relate to. People doing things is interesting to me at least.

This has got to be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. So your androgynous friend’s Premiere hack-job edit of 2001 has proven that the film is bad? Has this “fellow person” attempted to cut down The Dark Side of the Moon yet. Its such a long album, I’ll bet Fellow Person could preserve all the key riffs and

So you think films are basically just plot and story driven works. As fast as you can cram plot into a film you should do so? Or that anything beyond necessary plot is ‘fat’ and should be cut? I think that’s studio thinking and why most people think movies now a days generally suck and are just money makers without

OK, I’m about to say the most controversial thing I’ve ever said, so get ready: ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ is terrible. It’s absolutely awful. It’s embarrassingly bad. It’s pretty near indefensible. And before you flame me like hell, let me explain why.

A combination of a cool costume and ship and implied badassery (“no disintegrations”) and being pretty much a blank slate that audiences could project whatever they wanted onto. Being clever enough to figure out Han’s trick with the Falcon when it fooled everyone else probably didn’t hurt, either.

Part time.

Christmas was the first fake holiday, pushed on us by the Catholic Church to replace all those “nasty” Pagan holidays. It has nothing to do with Jesus’s birthday, and has now become an excuse for crass commercial excess. If I had my way, anyone having a “Christmas” sale, or putting up decorations, or putting on or

I like how casually this author explains how he almost threw a temper tantrum, and gave up on buying a toy he wanted because he could not buy all the toys he wanted.

I for one, resent artiofab’s raising the level of discourse of this posting, by using terms and facts that I never knew.

My wife and I both work the same schedule so our tv watching is done together. There’s no way we can both watch our mutual shows and then what each of us likes individually.

Oh man, you missed some amazing stuff on Dark Matter. First they were on the ship, and then they went onto a planet that had buildings that looked like an abandoned industrial zone, and then they went back to the ship. It was riveting.

It’s pretty obvious the majority of shows don’t exist to entertain us. They exist specifically to make us sit there and wait through commercials.

I’m so overwhelmed I just stopped trying to follow anything. I don’t follow any show right now and the ones I do drop in on I couldn’t tell you what day or channel they’re on. I catch them on OnDemand or Hulu a few weeks later. Following them all was starting to feel like work.

There are 2 things I see that would make this idea non-viable:

I made the jump earlier this year to Tivo and I’m running a Comcast deal that has local channels + HBO for $10 on top of my broadband bill. Since I live in a townhome, I didn’t want to mess with an antenna for now and getting HBO seemed like a no brainer for $10/mo. I got the standard Tivo Roamio that can jump from

I applaud that the mayor is taking a stand as well, but did you read the article on Love the part where Marty criticizes the opponents of the olympics, dismissing them as “10 people on twitter”.. Talk about out of touch, sheesh.

Fun fact, the Brits developed that accent over the last 200 years. What American’s now have is closer to the original way of speaking than what they have in the UK.

I don’t think I would like your girlfriend. Dated? “Ooh, I can’t watch this because it looks like it takes place sometime before I was born and therefore isn’t relevant!” That’s right up there with people who won’t watch old movies because they’re in black and white.

Once upon a time, an unnaturally large number of people moved to the same place and used up all the resources. Then, the bald vegan hero rode in and told everyone to use less resources. They did and there was once again peace in the land, and they all lived happily ever after.

I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,