
So weird to see this, as there have been an unusual number of Labyrinth references in my life the past couple days. On the Nerdist podcast with Nick Frost they rag on Gerard Depardieu and how he's turning into Ludo, then there were some posts on Facebook today about glitter or something. Too much to be a coincidence!

If only the voters who are being talked down to could see their transparency.

I want an origami phone that can assume different sizes. Hand-held for regular calls and texting, with the ability to fold out into regular iPad size for other things like watching videos, playing games, reading email and web surfing.

We used to do that back in the 70s. A paver brick, the kind used for driveways and sidewalks, is more water resistant than a regular brick and tends not to crumble.

Also: pee outside.

"Most of the flights I take are over land. I don't want a seat cushion that turns into a flotation device, I want one that will bounce out of a corn field!" — some comedian whose name I forget

It's amazing to me how Fox News viewers are completely immune to their spin and self-contradicting nonsense.

Don't you have ebola-tainted Mexican illegals trained by ISIS to worry about? Fox News says you do.

I'm not upset. Guy tried a joke and it flopped. Maybe you should stop looking for things to be offended about. Don't you have ebola-tainted Mexican illegals trained by ISIS to worry about?

Yes, I hate all things that tangentially relate to apple pie and motherhood. You nailed it on the first try. Good show, old chap.

"Taking pride in America" is different from "fuck everyone else", and the latter is what Fox News peddles. Every single Fox News viewer that I personally know, regardless of their intelligence level, believes America's shit doesn't stink.

You're right, it didn't come across as lighthearted. It sounds exactly like the usual American Fox News viewer saying, "Fuck yeah, America!"

Completely appropriate. Although my copy says "ricketts" instead of "harness" for that line at the top. I wonder if he revised it at some point?

In high school my buddy and I worked on his girlfriend's car — a Chevy Monza with a V8 engine (step one for changing the rear 4 spark plugs was, and I kid you not, "remove engine") — and we discovered that the engine was English while the transmission was metric. It just so happens that 3/8-inch and 10mm bolts are

I'm planning a trip to Antarctica, so I appreciate the timeliness of this article.

You made me laugh, I appreciate that.

That's an awesome plate.

I'll be on the lookout, but here's one I saw in a nursing home parking lot in DC last year. Possibly one of the most beautiful cars running today, the Ferrari 458.

Except Iron Giant isn't from Disney.

Based on what I've seen, it's not that easy. Tech-savvy people are being driven to distraction by the changes it's made to their phones, unable to restore their previous settings from their backups.