
@Slinkytech: He's owned an iPhone and now uses a Motorola Droid. Were you referring to Mr. Cooper?

@RT100: It probably is, but I'll probably get it to support the developer. It's only a buck or so.

@pist: If I got a backplate for my Incredible, all I'd see is that shitty red "race car inspired" back...which I love, of course.

@breadofwonder: It took me till last month after playing with my first unibody MB pro to become a believer. I've always only ever used pc laptops, but just the feeling of the MB pro makes me want to go out and get one. I'd definitely need some help with the OS though. That's new territory for me.

@grubish1: "I have held my Evo in every possible configuration and my signal strength never deviates."

@ctthoqqua: "It's not just the name, people. Who else is spending R&D on *laptops* these days? Anyone?"

@breadofwonder: As someone who has used PC laptops, even owning a high end VAIO laptop, I agree. The MacBook Pro just feels more sturdy, and you don't get the creaking plastic noices when lifting the laptop with the lid open.

@DaCapin: Steve Jobs at the D8 conference said he'd consider flash on iDevices if they gave him a proven product that didn't kill the batter life and worked well.

@vinod1978: "The reason for the dramatic drop in bars is purely visual."

@Celtic1888: My Droid Incredible came with a dead pixel and has a piece of dust under the screen. Aaargh!

@MacAttack: That "dock" looks like any other menu I've seen on dumbphones for years. The only thing different about it is that it's completely horizontal.

@CIM: Hey cool, it's got the same notification bar as it does today. That's kinda neat. Ugly phone though.

@theBlahLife: I guess it depends on where you live and all, but for what it's worth, I have Sprint for work and Verizon for personal use with a Droid Incredible. Sprint used to be absolutely terrible everywhere I went. Dropped calls everyday repeatedly. Over the past year and a half or so, Sprint has definitely

@talkingstove: It doesn't hurt at all. I got my Incredible for $100 from the Verizon website.

@CaptainJack: Clear Coat isn't a good enough solution for me. They need to redesign the whole damn thing. Clear coats wear off in time, especially when traversing in and out of a pocket millions of times a day like mine is. So in summary, yes, I'll take an iPhone 4 that isn't an iPhone 4, lol.

@McDaygo: Good comment. Smartphones are super fun. My wife and I went on an unplanned adventure the other day with my Incredible. We checked out ferry schedules, took a ferry to an island we were completely unfamiliar with and used Google turn by turn directions and foursquare to find things to do. Fun day!

@Faxmonkey: Why won't there be. Did they say there won't ever be a Nexus 2? I'd definitely consider getting one if the hardware was better and didn't alienate the carriers in the process of trying to sell them.

@c010rb1indusa: The polls out there show that it would. Hell, I'm an Incredible owner and would consider a white iPhone 4 if it was remade for CDMA network and didn't have that stupid antenna design.

That beautiful palace is perfectly offset inside by those beautiful particle board Ikea tables.