
No I didn't. Apple makes one high end phone and that's it. I just want the option of a cheap phone, or a high end, and vanilla Android. That's not Apple. It's the opposite.

One brand: 2 phones. High end and a cheaper model. The phone models will have the same name for all carriers and be the same size within their tier so that cases would be universal and easily sold by big box stores. Vanilla Android. I'd buy from that company every time.

VOTE: Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

Every once in a while, I'll see these types of articles crop up here and there, and they're usually correct in their assessment. As an Android user, I'm fine with that. It's all good. But you'll never hear Android users make a huge deal about it. Why? Because as I made my transition from iOS to Android, I found

It doesn't sound too hard to turn those things on and then check the app.

"Because of the way Android's rendering engine is currently set up on most phones, matching the iPhone's resolution but keeping the same 3.5-inch screen size would make the icons and text about one fourth smaller."

This is why it's important for Motorola to start making the Nexus Phone. Perhaps this will be the only way Google could make a profit on hardware and apps. I'm pretty sure the policy of the 30% has changed since '08, but I'm only basing that off of some quotes I recall from Eric Schmidt (I believe it was him anyways).

Living your life for others is never a failure.

You must be one of those boom box on the shoulder touters from the 80's.

It doesn't bother me so much reading it as much as it does when I see it on TV. It's humor that was really made popular by The Office, which is not a funny show at all.

Evo 4G = On Gingerbread.

I post links to articles from Gizmodo on my facebook page. I have probably created some new readers. I hope none of them associate me with this guys personal beliefs about virtual Christmas lights on his page because I use this site and have commented in this thread! I am so worried about it!

This isn't about liking something. It's about using someones photo in an ad for something they didn't necessarily EVER like or +1 anywhere.

There is definitely the temptation to go where you are suggesting when posting something on FB. I know, I've felt it. You want people to "Like" your photos or your ideas, whatever.

Just like in your use of "you", it's used to seperate yourself from others to show how superior you are?

Yeah, it has increased. What it does is put it on par with everything else on the internet. This article at first, challenges one to re-think social networking and its effects on yourself and what/how we view nostalgia. It does a good job of differing itself from other ideas I've read on the internet. Then, at the

I don't see how the two correlate. I lost respect for the article and don't think it's worth showing her anymore.

I like this article and wanted to show it to my wife...until the end when you used the F-Bomb. Then it just became immature and childish.

Is that two power buttons?

It plays Blu Ray quality when streaming to the TV. It means it has a nice graphics processor.