
Meh, I'm happy with Zune subscription.

@Kaiser-Machead: Word. Snails are pests. Once you put one in your tank, you'll never be able to get rid of those things. All they do is create offspring and the rest of the time they are doing nothing. As this video clearly shows the latter.


@D.LYTE: I agree. The AMOLED is hard to read outside. I have a dead pixel on my screen and will be sending it back. Maybe they'll put that new LCD screen on it?

@Dancing Milkcarton: You can hold it with your whole body in whatever position you want!

@Eulatos: My worry with a 400ppi screen is what if you had 50 dead pixels. Would you even be able to tell??

There's something fishy about the email from "tom". He says he just wants to go back to Verizon, but later claims he's had every other iPhone. I'm gonna have to call B.S. on this unless someone can explain that to me...?

@JJJ: I have an Incredible. My friend was going between the white iPhone and the EVO 4g. I'm no Android fanboy (though I LOVE my phone) so I told my friend to go for the white iPhone cause it's freakin' gorgeous. After this whole debacle, I think he may be going for the EVO 4g. Not a bad choice at all. I tried to

I wanna see the original email sent to Jobs, but only because I want to see if it begins with the preface "I love your products..."

@AdamKaoru: I'm not comparing the product as much as your philosophy. Which in and of itself is kind of hilarious.

@AdamKaoru: Vista wasn't a "fucking apocalyptic disaster".

@pixelpushing: Qik is on every phone, not just Android. It's just an app. You can also use it over wifi and 3g, not just 4g.

No troubles here yet on my Incredible. I did find a dead pixel on my screen though. Called warranty office and they have a replacement in stock for me, but I have to be without it for 2 weeks!!

@HideyoshiJP: Imagine if he put that kind of dedication into something more productive.

@Ravennl: Good question. The Answer should be: get what works for you. You sound like you are. Me too: Desktop = PC w/windows 7, Zune=MP3 player, Android = Phone OS, PS3=gaming console, and soon to be a mac book pro owner for laptopery.

@djalice: Heh, that's kinda cool. That bag sorta reminds me of the Google colors, lol. Or Cool Runnings. One of the two. Or both.

@Rob: It's just a comic. Why so defensive?

@pseudorocket: I'm curious. Why did you feel the need to come here and justify having an Apple product. It's just a comic, and it's funny. It's not insulting you.