
They almost certainly will change it, they didn’t intentionally put it in to induce siezures. When games put that disclaimer in it’s not because they’re trying to cause seizures, it’s because they’re covering their backs.

Thanks for contributing, 2020 appreciates you maintaining the tone.

The term “viking” is basically another word for “Pirate”.

The folks known as Vikings were basically villains to those they attacked but the various Danes, Norwegian, Scandinavian folks roaming around on long-boats were mostly known for trading. Their trade networks reached further than most others due to their

Last time i tried third-party applications to get compatibility for a PS controller(5+ years ago) i got a heap of malware ruin my weekend so i don’t tend to check-in on the options tbh. As I say though, I’m happy enough to use a XBone controller, just hated using a 360 one.(For platformers and fighting games)

What’s funny is some of the responses to this post are going to be written in the spirit of what the post is arguing against and the irony is going to be lost on the poster. ;)

I really get confused how there is a group of people that believe the Xbox360 is “the best ever” when it famously has the worst d-pad ever.

I always thought the Xbox 360 controllers were famously “the worst”.

Unless the avatar, Eivor, had a particularly close connection with a mount that they had in their lifetime i don’t see any reason why the Animus couldn’t replace it without risking desynchronisation.

I hate to review the review but this review was a great review.

Thanks! :)

I’d personally like to think it’s not an in-thing at the moment but i can’t say as i’m in the position to know tbh.
I’ll be honest i’ve not read a newspaper or one of their click-baity websites in over a decade so i’ve no idea how they’ve been representing us.

This is not a “Brit” thing. You just happen to have heard of two people that notably said bad stuff.

I’ve been thinking the exact same thing except, i’m wondering if the reason the evil one is evil is because that’s where Ganon has been hiding all along.

I’m expecting them to do something like the first HW game where you reach what you think is the end of the game, all seems good, thenstuff” gets real and gets significantly undone. Unlike in the original HW though, where you actually get to resolve that issue too, this time i’m expecting it to be a chapter revolving

If you didn’t like BOTW and don’t like Warriors games in general then you were probably right to not have been interested in the first place.

TBH i don’t really understand the article.

I believe its necessity comes from the fact that not everyone playing HW2 has necessarily played BOTW.

Urgh the terminology for compatibility drives me nuts.

In response to myself and in light of the “Update” regarding death threats to the devs.
I do not blame the devs in particular and I do think delays are good and are essentially the right thing to do. It’s just, working in software development myself, i can see how crunch occurs and it’s often necessary due to the sum

Sorry everyone. i fed the troll!

I never said they dictated it but their contribution is pivotal to any launch planning and you can’t disagree that they contribute to overall delivery/project planning. They’d have too.