
Who quotes for how much effort a workload is then? The busker at the nearest train station? Of course the devs do, and the project management and the test team and everyone else. They all feed into gantt charts and delivery estimates for setting milestones and deadlines. CDPR actually withheld a release date for a

Let’s not forget also that it’s the devs that quoted how long it would take to produce the output in the first place.
I really don’t understand why everyone sympathizes with the devs so much when it’s them who make the statements about how long it’ll take to get their jobs done, that influence the manager’s/PR

Crashing head first into other fighters is just a consequence of the game. Both of the fighters chose to not swerve so they both deserve the crash.

If it’s a pub and your team mates think they’re “helping” by crashing into an SD I can see how it’d be annoying. They’re actually doing significantly more damage to your teams progress than they are to the Star Destroyer.

So you wanted visual clues did you?

Exactly. The format pre-exists for sure, and other video games also already exist that try to do the same thing. The only thing Among Us has really done differently is devised a way to replace the “Close-your-eyes” bit by having you move around doing tasks. They’ve replaced some of the other roles in such games, that

And you’re demonstrating your comprehension of exaggeration and sarcasm to make me feel better about myself I suppose?

Meh! Among Us is so basic they could re-write most of it in a week surely?

I’m disapointed that the review compares the game to the Battlefront game modes rather than the Xwing/Tie Fighter or VS games of old.

I had the same thing and went to reddit.
A few people have had the same issue One person it took them 3 retries. A triggered even tis basically failing to trigger.

I remember not digging Venice so much in the original game but it really is filthy gorgeous in the remake.

I don’t think they tried to replace it with speedrun. I think they tried to replace it with the individual skater challenges.

Kinda makes sense doesn’t it?

The story is the only thing that was making me want to keep my pre-order rolling but a game needs good gameplay and this just doesn’t feel fun.

To be fair, in this one he’s clearly being controlled by Brainiac and i’m fairly sure he’ll be a good guy again by the end and be instrumental in comically putting the Squad back in Belle Reve for the amusing credits sequence, where we either see a montage of other missions they go on or of them escaping.

Yeah my point is you talk about Fall Guys like someone who’s never played it... sorry i thought that was apparent.
To be clear. You compared grabbing people in a game where that is allowed to a pitch-invasion followed by puncturing a ball during a basketball match. It’s genuinely baffling that you have likened these

Always prefer physical.

Controls and bugs are very different things.
What games do it better?
In regards to combat many games have copied the formula but very few can get it as good as City even let alone Knight. Not even Arkham Origins achieves it.

Haven’t played a game that managed the controls better so i’m not sure what you’re trying to fix that wasn’t done in Arkham Knight?

Very worried that they pitched this as a CO-OP shooter.

Out of the two games that could’ve been successors to the Arkham series we’ve got Gotham Knights that looks cool but feels like a Destiny/Division Game-as-a-service/Story-as-an-afterthought and now Rocksteady look like they’re making a Borderlands?

Really need to