I'm suspicious the Iron Man shilouette is actually R.e.s.c.u.e
I'm suspicious the Iron Man shilouette is actually R.e.s.c.u.e
Watched trailer.
My single favourite moment was when Burning Crusade was released.
My brother and I both had free time on launch night and were present at the sight of the portal with half of the rest of the server at the time when the server crashed and the update hit.
Then there was the ensuing chaos of running through Helfire…
Well you gave me a binary choice and the other one was less appropriate I'm afraid.
Knowing you'll be shopped out doesn't mean you wouldn't think it would be funny.
In a still shot him wearing green doesn't help that much.
Removing him is as quick and easy as it is to shoot he background without either of them there. The only fiddly bit of the edit is where his hands can be seen covering her slightly and in both places this is a problem they just went with black anyway.
It is just you.
I've had the perpetually hanging on an invisible ledge glitch in the main game, this is not dlc specific.
Only if he was a boss battle but, story-wise, he was a boss battle in MK1 or MK(9) Era.
I think it's a bit more work than that tbh. Assuming they're trying to cover all of Warhammer and not just a subset of it.
For the Skaven!!!
It fitted in fine in the comic.
It's trying to have a little fun whilst simultaneously exploding a guys head with a fist.
I'm not a PC master race supporter but the control scheme of mouse+keyboard isn't really what makes people call PC users the "master race".
"Some people think LEGO Minecraft misses the point of both LEGO and Minecraft,"
I always find it weird this discussion about "the kids" playing it.
I've been playing it singleplayer and multiplayer since it was in its most initial Beta phase.
I always find it weird to meet other parents at the playground and stuff talking about it like it's a new thing and asking each other "what it's all about".
The pocket edition is similar to the console edition but not the same.
You'll get a feel for the game but, imo, it is its worst flavour as the controls are pretty horrible on a touchscreen device and some features are far more restricted.
Isn't that the intention?
He's being immature in the comic so he was drawn to look immature...
It's disgusting that a pre-requisite for a game should be patience.
The responsibility should be on the game to provide "fun", not to make us wait on the promise of fun(that never truly delivers in these play-to-wait games).
Who has the burden of caring?
My biggest problem with QTEs ever since i first saw them referred to on the internet is that they're called QTEs.
I could never work out what on earth interactive-cutscenes had to do with an unwieldly Apple made video player.
I'm sure when I was a kid we used another name for them... I just can't remember what it was.