
Surely that can't be legal?
Whether you're paid by man-hours or elapsed-hours you'd still never be short.
If you're being paid in "clock-hours" get them to use GMT or UTC to be remotely legit.
Surely they must have a problem when the clocks go the other way and a batch of workers get an extra hours pay?

Whoever pays you

Interestingly the video where you Domination kill Akoth the head doesn't actually explode. Usually this is the case.
Possibly this is a hint that he may come back even at that point as you haven't actually decapitated him... Maybe having a helmet protects Uruks from head explosions and you have to go for the other

Don't care!
I wanted a Tolkien world to do what I want in.
The fighting, mobility and nemesis system are all I wanted.

... I don't think "open-world" games have been primarily about the story for a long time to the gamer, maybe to the developers. Some of the most interesting fun stuff people do with these open world games is stuff that has nothing to do with the narrative. Minecraft doesn't even have a proper narrative and it's the

So some people got upset because someone said something that someone else told them might mean something else more offensive that... contextually, would make no sense but they're still going to assume and get upset that he meant the more offensive, theorised, "coded" term as opposed to just the actual word he said?

I'm not convinced they do.
Everyone I know who says Ninja all the time says it because they want to say ninja. They're not disguising a racial slur.
Maybe it's an american thing to use it as a racial slur?
Or maybe the theory that it was disguising a racial slur was possibly clutching at straws.

Are you saying Brazil nuts are racist?

I personally think Morrowind has more nostalgia because people experienced more of it.
There was no real fast travel.
There were siltstriders which were basically a teleport from certain towns to other towns but no real way to skip the exploration portion of the game and thus, experience t he world and all its many

Don't get it at all.
Also the next video youtube too on the same channel had them bullying a child on minecraft?

Is it shaking or is that the footage being wobbly?

They've talked about there being another game since Unity was announced but they only gave it a name and started advertising it last week.

I don't think this is an unreasonable opinion. Whilst i'm excited for the game I to wonder about it's Tolkien'ness.

I will enjoy the game either way but even in the very first trailer I was having trouble seeing how this all fitted into the stories we know.

TBH i can't understand why they bother to make things like mcnuggets out of real meat anyway.
It barely tastes of chicken at all and it's just as likely not chicken anyway.
(I guess it's cheap due to the mass slaughter that's going on anyway and it's amde from by-product?)

Whilst I think the intro cutscene makes him prominent enough I was originally mistaken as I thought that was in the same game he appeared in zombie form.
I was wrong though. :)

I think MK is really ready for some slightly new characters. Although seeing any of the old ones go is hard to take.

That said there is nothing stopping them including every single character from MK9 in the MK10, as long as they don't include any of the dead ones in the story campaign it doesn't matter.

I'm here to tell you I cared twice to compensate for your lack of caring.

It might be a trailer that represents the canon back-story?
It's not like they could do an alternate trailer where scorpion gets killed and have it be any more canon now is it?
This way they can show a fatality and not upset anyone.
Everyone already knows Scorpion beat First Edition Sub-Zero.

I understand that and I agree but you said "Can you imagine" and I said "I can", as in "I can imagine". Noy "I can" as in "I for some reason think the theme is the totality of the thing".
Just means I was joining in with what you were saying...

By hideous design i mean a design I don't like. (beauty being in my beholden eye after all)
Familiarity isn't a problem I wasn't used to a lot of what windows 7 did functionality-wise but I adjusted quickly and took what was good and modded what was bad but the aesthetics were a bit of a distraction when viewing