
I think you under estimate the scope of work required to upgrade ALL governmental systems tbh.

This is government level stuff here.
You don't do something because it's "not impossible" problems aren't discovered and ironed out, they have to be tested exhaustively to ensure there is no detriment, this usually means paying out the price of a system again just to ensure it's supported on the new platform.
The very

I can.
I always set my windows theme to "classic" since xp/win7 both have hideous designs, massive blue taskbar and curvy corners? even bigger borders so you can see through them sometimes? They've not done a practical design since 95 imo.

Only if they do it indefinitely.
It would be assumed they're only extending their support to allow themselves a better timeframe to perform the upgrade.

The scope of how much work must be involved to upgrade all their systems would be in the billions though i'm sure so you could go decades paying a few million and

It's not back yet though is it?
And think of all those government services running specialist applications that have been developed only for windows XP currently running in China's health systems, public transport, police, government, etc, etc.
They can't just reliably be reinstalled on a new OS. (Of which the version

China is not alone in this.
The UK is among a list(well i know fo two including the UK lol) of western countries that have coughed up millions for extended XP support.

Cheaper and convenient is not the same as good.

That gif is how I feel about your comment tbh.

The Infamous games have never been great for the Parkour/climbing imo.
2 was better than 1 but it was just a case of spamming the jump button on the side of a building until you hit the top and you usually clipped Cole's animations in doing it.

As I read it.
The future xmen are all in dark colours to reflect the apocalyptic nature of things whilst the past xmen are in flowery hawaian shirts and old-timey colours.
It seems like a reasonable narrative tool.

He can just run around a corner, say "Engaging Stealth Mode", switch the lights off and be almost invisible to his opponents though.
You can't do that if you're already unoticable...

@NoThru22 - What are you talking about?
There were leaked shots, to be fair, they might not have been from AC, who knows, t'is the nature of leaked things that no one knows. That's why is aid my money is on it, to suggest the strongelement of chance involved.

If you don't know what the screenshots i'm talking about are

They were not reported as Prince of Persia they were assumed by reporters to be Prince of Persia, this was never confirmed and given the evidence could be considered to be quite untrue as PoP never came to be.
As of yet they have never been attributed to a game.

The alternative though is that we have no information and

AC games have always been about revolution.
France was only a matter of time.
My money is still on the second project being Egypt still due to those other leaked shots from a while back.

Don't get me wrong, Katniss is a badass in The Hunger Games. But does she do a bunch of flippy things before she lets an arrow loose? NO.

How many platforms can you get "achievement" points on and the Xbox isn't mentioned until the end of the article almost in passing.

I just wish they'd concentrate on the web swinging in these Spiderman games.
It's the number one thing people want to do properly.
I never even bought the last Amazing Spiderman game for non-mobile platforms because it just doesn't look fun or interesting.
Was it Spiderman 2 that had the proper mechanic where you could

They already have a Kart game out and outside of the app market they've infected practically every other brand you've heard of. Barbie, Jenga, etc.

TBH the real question is what will come first?
The Lego Angry Birds game or the Angry Birds Lego game.

So staged. They might as well have gotten an actor to go up against it.

I thought the characters at 0:53 and 1:27 looked better in the latter version happily.

Mostly everything else has very minor differences to me but that starting drive across the bridge where the bridge texture just seems to blink white looks horrible.