
Botanical gardens, so Outdoor. The favors and cake topper were Star Wars themed, though. Not terribly Aggressively Themed, since we kept it fairly simple. It was also sort of On-A-Budget-But-No-One-Cares because we kept it small, but the budget was mostly to keep things sane. (And to keep my parents from turning it

Clearly I picked an auspicious weekend to get married!

No, that's TSA Precheck. Sometimes you get routed that direction by random. You can also go on TSA's website and sign up for it so that you can get it almost every time.

Southwest does, especially out of tourist cities where people decide they're going to carry on 15 shopping bags of crap that they bought at theme parks and the like. Did you buy 50 Mickeys at Disney? You're going to check those bitches.

Don't worry about the shape of your dick. In the end, it probably won't matter a bit to a woman who loves you. If you find the right woman, she'll want to have sex with you even if you've lost length and can never get entirely hard due to damaged caused by 25 years of type I diabetes.

This doesn't necessarily relate to the article, but it is a story about gluten free cookies that I would like to relate.

Being frugal is how people with money continue to have money.

As a child, we got very little chocolate and a couple of small gift items. Sidewalk chalk was a perennial favorite, and there were usually a couple of books, plus a single toy maybe. My parents never spent much, and what they bought was often a better alternative to candy.

He should be twelve and his eyes should be blue. The book made a big deal about light eyes being special, and that always annoyed me as a brown-eyed child.

I had an insightful comment, but my phone ate it.

That's just awful. If you think someone is misgendered or you're uncertain, you need to keep your damn mouth shut unless you're actively being threatened.

Sometimes, a mob is good protection. Especially in a terrible college bar on ladies night, when the place is full of predators looking for drink coeds, women band together to protect their own.

Unfortunately, I cannot be there every time she needs to pee in public (especially now that we live on opposite sides of the country). I am glad that she got to the point where she was not at risk of her bladder bursting before she found a safe restroom, but I wish this weren't an issue.

When a friend of mine was first transitioning, the ladies' room was one of her biggest fears. If we went out with friends, all the girls would have to go to the bathroom together. Frequently, "all the girls" just meant her and me, because she felt strongly that my presence made it much less likely that anyone would

I've done this as well. On the way out, I shrugged nonchalantly and noted, "The line was shorter."

I have. I knew girls in college like that. It was less that they were bisexual and more that that they were... I'm having trouble coming up with a way of saying this that isn't negative.

Gee, so did my dad. I read it and told him all the things that were wrong with it, and he was annoyed with me.

On a tidally locked planet, the terminator will not change. The edges of light/dark will always be the same. The people living there will perpetually have dawn/dusk.

Sometimes, you have to face the atrocities in your own life. You have to acknowledge the history of your family and your people. You can't whitewash history because it makes you feel uncomfortable.