
Those crazy Americans thinking the best way to go is to use Satellites to triangulate some sort of global position system. Like that would ever catch on.

One local TV station reported that the emphasis of the campaign was to dispel the myth that there’s any sort of ‘buffer’ – usually accepted to be 9 MPH – when it comes to speeding enforcement. You know how, if you’re on a highway with a 65 MPH speed limit, the general rule is that if you’re doing anywhere up to about

A salute to United Servo Academy Men’s Choral Director, Vice-Brigadier Sir Thomas “Bullhead” Servo.

I was thinking the same thing!

If you want minifig size, the new wave of Speed Champions are fantaaastic. I’m getting the Mustang in a few days, absolutely stoked.

The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.

Don’t be a dipshit

I just slow down to an obnoxious level (usually the actual speed limit).

In fairness, Top Gear USA is the punchline for everything else.

I just got more joy from that 30 seconds than I will likely get from the entire first season of New New Top Gear.

Yeah, it’s called the United States.

I hate this puke yellow plate oh so much....

Sorry, but if it was “perfectly” restored it wouldn’t have an infotainment system and slammers in the trunk.

I hate those too. Don’t get me started on busses. Down with the bus.

So Clarkson’s the guy who started the whole Reliant Robin bashing thing, he’s the guy who made it funny, he’s gone now, so they’re going to keep doing it anyway.

Nothing says you’ve made it like puttering around in an NSU Sport Prinz! ;)

Wait, so I can only install one of these games on one system? If I log in to my Steam account at a gaming cafe or a friend’s house it won’t work? What if I change my hardware? Most software tied to a machine is done with the mobo (i.e. Windows), so if I upgrade my mobo, I can’t access that game any more? That is

No no, this should be all tied up now I think...

I’d love to see them succeed, but I’d hate to see them fail. Because really who knows where that missile is going to land. I trust neither their ability to get it right, nor their integrity to actually fire it at a meteor, vs ‘oops we nuked Turkey/San Francisco/etc.’