VORE's primary business is to put tourists in desert/short course trucks and drive around their track in Boulder City. This is just a people mover - to pick up tourists on the Vegas Strip and take them to their dirt track in Boulder City. They also run the successful Raptor Roundups for Ford.
"I didn't read the article, so let me comment about something I know nothing about and didn't care to read about". Sums up most internet chats perfectly.
Just actually build it right. Different suspension, shocks, track width, etc... I'm amazed at how manufacturers try and compete with the Raptor by throwing a body kit and stickers on an existing vehicle.
Tanner - Just want to say thank you. Last year at GRC Vegas my (then) 7-year old pestered you with questions and you graciously spent some time with him. He's been an avid supporter and is a huge fan. Also, he's being surprised with some of the new kids-sized TF gear. Just wanted to say thank you for inspiring the…
How about we give them the Land Rover "Transparent Bonnet" tech too?
Alfonso Cuarón should definitely be invited to direct. I think the i8 is a no-brainer for this, although it already had a bit of a starring role in MI:4
Just use an old smartphone. I've been using one for months. Didn't cost me anything. Loaded Daily Roads Voyager from the app store, then deleted my google account info and any other personal info in case it's stolen.
Land Rover does it better:
Thanks for the shout out...
and pulling a 1:23.7(ish) with the camera on... nice work mr. stig.
Thanks. Hope we didn't block your view at all.
I'm no best dad. But I try. And that's the key. I spent far too long focusing on making money in the hope that I would be able to buy them the things I thought they wanted. It turns out they just wanted me and my time. So that is what I try to give.
Uhmm, the car highlighted is not the offending vehicle. They are looking for info on the silver car that crept into the intersection.