Trent Russell

I'm not sure there's a fair answer to this question. Generally there are not "markups." There's just parts cost and labor cost. It's a matter of knowing what the labor rate is (then laughing hysterically) and asking the right questions about the labor estimate.

Seems a little extreme for a carbon burnoff.

Meh? It sounds odd to me for some reason. The F12 on the other hand...

3. The engine application has to fire on all cylinders, literally. In an ideal world, I was told, a true high-performance pickup would have the horsepower and torque to match. While the Raptor has a lot of horsepower, I was told (I haven't driven one) that the torque is not becoming of a true pickup. This would be bad

Someone needs to practice the phil mills crash position!

Solid argument, i like it.

fair enough

So how much better of a car would this be if the 2.0T was the same spec as the A4?

Raph delivers!

I will exploit this opportunity to pimp my Subaru adorning the cover page of !

"Commuter Culture can die and take all the Camrycordltimas with it."

The video review favored the corvette

I mean i agree to an extent. Erectile dysfunction commercials are uncomfortable enough as a grown man.

I don't have much faith in that article. Why do they say:

motor went? doesn't look like tire smoke, looks like oil smoke.

look up rallymedia's youtube channel. There are lots of rally 350z running on bioethanol. they sound gooooooooooooooood.

It's hilarious to me that the word "hoon" is actually used is serious conversation in Australia.

Best-sounding melon shooter evaaar!