
Oh, I’m just a worked up voter—and it strikes me that it’s mostly my disappointment talking. I had a lot of good will when he was first elected, and a lot of the flack he gets isn’t proportionate (like this not recognizing this song thing—who cares and like you stated, you aren’t going lecture your hosts), but I think


I doubt there will be more info. The crime wasn’t a major one, wasn’t violent, no one died, and the situation is already clearly very sad. Most likely, her kids get taken away, she takes a plea on B&E and ends up on the street, which is probably where she started. None of this is good and no one is going to follow

I would posit that those two things are absolutely related and important details, though. Putting the MAGA hat in his dead mother’s casket and obsessively stalking a woman who is not interested are both signs that he felt the right to control the women in his life.

I don’t want to say that the lawyer has a point but if you think about it you’ll notice that if you rearrange the letters in the name Anna Merlan you can spell “Xenu Forever”

The snipet gives the impression that he was barred, but we don’t know for sure. He may have had a say in the decision? I hope.

I view it as his boss is telling him he needs to receive treatment in order to return to work. I could show up at work with the stomach flu to give that presentation in your example, but they’re gonna still send me home if I’m puking. Even if I’m sure I could hold in the vom through the presentation.

From the perspective of someone who struggles with depression, I think you are a little off here. Not that I would be thrilled if your work scenario happened to me (because that would be legit discrimination - why in job applications, depression is one of the items you can click for outstanding health issues), but

He missed the dress rehearsals, which triggered pulling him from the sketches. He appears to be in psychiatric crisis. Just like you wouldn’t have someone who is actively having a heart attack working, you wouldn’t have someone who is actively suicidal working. SNL has known about Davidson’s mental health, and has

I was just writing a reply to the prior poster agreeing that BPD is challenging to deal with, but that anyone can learn skills to be a good friend/supporter of a person with BPD, which is something that those with BPD really need. (honestly, we all need community and love, but BPD people do, too).

Well of course she was found guilty. The whole point is being guilty of trespassing and disorderly conduct, otherwise it would be a less-daring case of Civil Obedience. It is in sentencing where this could get very dicey, and I hope we are all inspired by Okoumou’s bravery and willingness to accept risk should we need

This is a late post and you might have done this already but all you need to do is watch the opening credits for To Kill a Mockingbird. They got it dead on.

So, that was supposed to be Yoko at the art show in the beginning, right?

As a mathematician and especially as a professor, he most definitely would have been deemed to valuable to the war effort to actually send to the war. Colleges still ran the same schedule during the war, so he’d still have summers off, and while luxuries were scaled back due to the war effort, I can still see people

Whatever beautiful angel sacrificed their Wiki editing powers to let this gem come into form deserves the next admission ticket to the Good Place.

At times I could have believed it was Manny Jacinto in incredibly lifelike D’Arcy Carden prosthetics.

The opening of “We’re Going To The Catskills” is so delightfully twee and symmetrical that I wondered if I accidentally stumbled upon a scene from a Wes Anderson film.”
No, what you were ACTUALLY seeing was a color recreation of the opening credits for “To Kill a Mockingbird”, complete with Elmer Bernstein’s music

Right, that’s it. You Yanks have gone too far this time.

3 things can be true:

Inasmuch as anything Michael said in season 1 can be trusted, the animals in the neighborhood were constructs, not real animals/animal souls. It would make sense that few real animals would be in the Bad Place, if you accept Melville’s idea that animals are incapable of malice. I’m not sure I buy that for horses,