
have a midwife on hand, as well as a back-up plan in case of emergency.

As someone in their 80s, I can remember my grandparents talking about having kids in the real old days, and it was hell. They lost a lot of kids and fair share of parents. Hell part of the reason they had so many kids is you need spares because they weren’t all making it to adulthood. Modern Medicine is goddamn

What kind of Delia’s catalogs were you getting? I’ve literally never heard someone describe them that way.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies. Those were bad lies but people often believe in what they hear to avoid things that are against their belief systems. She doesn’t allow him to distract her or let an explanation pacify

He did more than that. He left those slaves to his widow, who employed Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin on Greene’s plantation, which rescued slavery from certain obsolescence, which caused the Civil War.

You know, further to my Wellington post, I’d like to point out that my hometown of Glasgow has had a long and very proud history of sticking two fingers up to the idiots of the world. Be it Glasgow City Council deciding, at the height of Apartheid and Margaret Thatcher’s support of the white South Afican Government,

Gotta keep those drumsticks warm!

If her campaign ain’t printing t-shirts and bumperstickers, they are missing a major fund-raising opportunity.

I don’t know if this story is going to help or hurt. I want it to help. I’m also adopted, not that it makes any difference, just mentioning since we have that in common.

Innocence? This was not a criminal hearing. Fairness? This is not a playground. This was a continuing job interview for a position that requires the absolute best of the best and Kavanaugh has repeatedly showed himself to not be it. If I were accused of sexual assault, and repeatedly lied and lost my temper during a

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

Tangentially related: I wonder if Jezebel or one of the sub blogs could make a report on the September, 29 #EleNão (#NotHim, in Brazilian Portuguese) march, in Brazil. It was one of the largest popular protests in recent years, against the Presidential candidacy of retired Army Captain Jair Bolsonaro, a right winged

Break out your poster board from wherever you... store your poster board... because the National Women’s March is BACK, baby.

I really love the way this show illustrates that being a good person (whatever that entails) is largely impacted by the environments we live in. It resonates strongly with my own life experiences and attempts to be a better person; a traumatic childhood surrounded by deeply repressed people led me to seek out similar

Yes, but Oprah also doesn’t donate her clothes to Prince William because he married a commoner so he simply has to know the needy.

seriously, is there anything Eleanor could have said to Tahani that was more romantic than saying she never really cared about Kamilah anyway?

Not to get too far into politics, but this double episode was the perfect antidote to the other stuff I was watching on TV earlier in the evening--intelligent, funny, and relentlessly optimistic about the ability of flawed humans (and demons) to make themselves better. 

I knew a kid who went to Yale, during Kavanaugh’s time there, now that I think about it. His first summer back, he told me some disturbing stories about all the drinking he was doing there. It was only on my drive home that it suddenly occurred to me that I completely missed the subtext: he may have been asking for

A little research would reveal that Yale was around before Mormonism was created.

Prior to his last Senate campaign, there were a couple of South Carolina Tea Party groups who were very disparaging toward Graham, even openly suggesting he was homosexual at rallies, in addition to saying he was too moderate for them. Those groups are now Trumpheads, so as you’ve said, he has calculated that his best