
I can only speak for myself here. I was sexually assaulted and almost raped by a work colleague of mine. Only two people believed and cared - everyone else either didn’t believe me or shrugged it off with the usual, What were you wearing? (pajamas. I was asleep in bed). What was he doing at your place? (I let him

This made me cry. Thank you for writing it. I’m just shaking with fury, grief, desolation, then fury again. This is not right. I can’t even type my story. I can’t imagine if he was up for Judge on the supreme court and I had to do this. I do not think I could. This is just so fucked up.

I’m am Australian. I have no horse in this race. But Dr Blasey Ford is a motherfucking rockstar. I'm in awe of her strength and resilience at this godawful time, and I'm rooting for all of my American sisters and brothers that are being triggered and reliving the painful pages in their own books. I see you. I hear

I feel like this needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His apparent gayness is not something to be ashamed of or that should be used to shame him. He may be ashamed, but should not be.

Look there was a guy who just went through this same nomination process nominated by the same president who somehow didn’t have accusers come after him. Weird how that happened. It’s almost like this guy did something wrong...

This is especially apt given your username.

Go ahead, conservatives. Find a bunch of highly-credible and professionally-successful women willing to accuse democratic SCOTUS nominees of sexual assault.

It’s Arizona. The heat makes people go insane.

It’s infuriating how sex workers are targeted and how their portrayal in the media of how they are targeted is treated as flippant and insignificant. Even the AP tried it by changing their tweet from “women” to “prostitutes” about this event.

I never drank the Bernie kool-aid (I like my candidates to be realistic and to be able to explain how they’re gonna do the things they want to do), but even so, he’s damaged goods.

NO MORE OLD WHITE MEN. No bernie. No biden. 

I voted for Bernie in the last primary, I like him and I like his platform. He has absolutely no business running for president again. There's a lot of negative baggage he'd be carrying from the Bros and what turned into a pretty ugly in-fight and oh yeah HE'S TOO FECKIN OLD. Sit back and let someone else have a go.

Watching the results come in last night was certainly a mixed bag. It was sad to see the progressive challengers lose at the statewide level but so much good happened at the district level. I took the day off from work yesterday and spent 8 hours knocking on doors in Corona for Jessica Ramos; I almost cried when they

It’s still tough, I’ve put romantic relationships on the back burner ever since. I need to figure out what it is within me that both draws that type to me, and draws me to that type. He was the only one with enough self awareness to acknowledge where things were headed. Plenty before him blamed me for the initial fix

“Unfortunately, he has caused a lot of divide in our country, and until we can trust in him and the choices that he makes for our country, we cannot become united.”

In that clip I enjoyed watcing Miss South Carolina’s pageant smile slowly slip away in the background as Miss Michigan spoke.

Thank you for mentioning this campaign. It’s a lot less dramatic than coat hangers, but speaks the language of Republicans (money).

A better use of money: if she votes for him, there’s close to half a million dollars in donation pledges that will all be dropped on whomever her challenger is.

I follow Rebecca “Burt” Rose on twitter and she’s heartbroken. Also she said she was planning on writing about his influence on her life and that outlets *ahem, Jez* should feel free to contact her.