
Yes, we have a wonderfully admiring-yet-patronizing relationship with “little old ladies,” especially the “spunky” sort. We all do it. And it’s really an extension of how women are minimized and women’s power disregarded. These women were able to exploit the assumption that little old ladies are just dotty old birds.

I love you for this! Any Wings joke will always get my star.

Of course she hangs out in airports; she has to make all those announcements for Sandpiper Air!

A church in town was hosting a “trade your gold for cash” thing a few years ago. I was so tempted so show up and start flipping tables.

I don’t know, remember when all mankind got together, speaking one language and helping to build an incredible achievement of brotherhood and cooperation, and God got jelly and smashed it, and then made it so that none of those people could understand each other?

Just saying...same kind of God that would look down on

Basically the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Pastafarians) but using a character from the Christian canon.

I wonder if I post those tenets to facebook how many of my Roman Catholic relatives would ‘like’ it.
And then how many would defriend me when I tell them two days later that its the Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple?

After the Jezebel article about the Satanic Temple being harassed and then banned from Twitter, I finally went to their website and read all of the tenets and current activist projects they’re working on, including this Missouri case. They also have an initiative that combats evangelical after-school programs by

Uh...the Founders religion? She does know that Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, doesn’t she? And that many of them gave lip-service to religious belief? There’s a reason the Declaration of Independence uses the word “Creator” instead of “God” (and Jefferson was reluctant to invoke even that). And there’s a reason there’s

Eh, if you really want to get down to it, Lucifer was never in the original bible and the whole story was lifted almost wholesale from a couple of earlier mythologies, and were about a warrior king with a lot of hubris.

If you Google “republican jesus” you can see the rest. This one is my favorite of the serious ones (mostly because I am Atheist):

Here in Kansas City, Missouri I can tell you this is the only thing they’re talking about at McDonald’s playplaces. It’s like someone put a fork in their microwave. I fucking love it.

I always thought “the Lord’s work” was doing things like blinding children with trachoma and onchocerciasis. We make the world a better place - humans do.

Right??? This is kind of a masterful defense, and now that I think of it, kind of incredible that nobody’s ever thought of it before. It’s literally fighting “Freedom of religion” with “Freedom of religion.” I mean, you don’t even have to be a member of the satanic temple. If you’re an Athiest, a Jew— these are

They don’t actually worship Satan, to be fair... not in the, like, pissing on an upside-down cross or licking Satan’s butthole kind of way, anyway. It’s more... atheistic humanism, I guess. And a firm commitment to destroy bad Christian legislation. They’re pretty awesome, and as a practicing (but reasonable,

All over Missouri, forced-birth politicians are having a Valarie Hodges moment.

There’s a reason I’m a card-carrying member!

If the hardcore Christian right can mess with people’s choices then why can’t Satanists?